View Full Version : iptv on kodi live tv problem
03-10-2015, 01:44 PM
just noticed that in kodi ,iptv service is missing some channels .
my total list is 129 but the real list posted is 133.
my missing channels are just the porn channels .
anybody know the problem.
same problem on my laptop and my android tv box.
the channels do show up on the iptv emulator app..
03-10-2015, 01:51 PM
you'll have to live without them if using emulator...
03-10-2015, 01:54 PM
The StalkerPVR plugin ver 0.1 did not do the adult channels. I had other issues today. Wiped Kodi and reinstalled kodi and the 0.3 plugin and got all channels.
03-10-2015, 02:36 PM
ok where can i find this 0.3 plugin ?
03-10-2015, 02:54 PM
This site just google "StalkerPVR plugin"
The StalkerPVR plugin ver 0.1 did not do the adult channels. I had other issues today. Wiped Kodi and reinstalled kodi and the 0.3 plugin and got all channels.
Actually, the new version (0.5) just got released, and now has access to the password protected channels, the previous versions did not.
03-10-2015, 05:04 PM
Disabled the StalkerPVR plugin 0.3, uninstalled, restarted Kodi, Im using 14.1 by the way, installed from zip StalkerPVR plugin 0.5 enabled it, rebooted Kodi, it automatically loaded, I have all channels. dara is correct, update your StalkerPVR.
03-10-2015, 10:32 PM
Disabled the StalkerPVR plugin 0.3, uninstalled, restarted Kodi, Im using 14.1 by the way, installed from zip StalkerPVR plugin 0.5 enabled it, rebooted Kodi, it automatically loaded, I have all channels. dara is correct, update your StalkerPVR.
I have the same setup, everything loads as far as stalker and Simple Live IPTV add-ons. I have the nfps IPTV server link in the Simple add-on, but must be missing something.
Is that the right place to put the server info? I did not see any place in Stalker to put that info?
Is there a How-To guide for setting up nfps in Kodi?
03-10-2015, 10:35 PM
you need to configure the stalker add on.. thats where you change the mac and enter in server info
I have the same setup, everything loads as far as stalker and Simple Live IPTV add-ons. I have the nfps IPTV server link in the Simple add-on, but must be missing something.
Is that the right place to put the server info? I did not see any place in Stalker to put that info?
Is there a How-To guide for setting up nfps in Kodi?
03-10-2015, 10:43 PM
you need to configure the stalker add on.. thats where you change the mac and enter in server info
Ok, think I got it now...maybe, LoL.
I did configure the mac, but had not touched the server default of Duhhhh...!
Will give that a whirl.
03-10-2015, 10:44 PM
you should be all good once you put the server info in... you may need to get outta kodi and then go back in
03-10-2015, 10:53 PM
you need to configure the stalker add on.. thats where you change the mac and enter in server info
Ok, fix confirmed! Thanks DarkSide!!
03-10-2015, 11:15 PM
ok i still cant find the new stalker add on 0.5
any links to where i can find it ?
03-10-2015, 11:22 PM
ok i still cant find the new stalker add on 0.5
any links to where i can find it ?
post one
03-11-2015, 12:09 AM
thanks i see it now
well this file worked on windows zip
but on android this file give me the same results
yes i uninstalled the old stalker and reinstalled the ver 0.5
still no porn only 129 channels..
tried it 3 times ,maybe i will uninstall kodi then start from scratch..
03-11-2015, 12:12 AM
you can try to uninstall kodi then start from scratch... what android are you using?
03-11-2015, 01:18 AM
using an android tv box .
everything works well ,just missing the porn..
03-11-2015, 01:23 AM
i installed 0.5 on top of 0.3 and it worked fine on android stb and windows.. ive read others had to uninstall the current stalker version and then install the new one
03-12-2015, 12:50 AM
well i give up..
i uninstalled kodi ,re-installed it then installed stalker 0.5 and still no porn
went back and forth with different versions of helix even some nightly builds just for fun ,different versions of stalker..01 03 05 .and what ever i do no porn
rebooted ,unplugged ,you name it i tried porn on kodi live tv
but on my laptop easy as pie worked on the first install of 0.5 on top of 0.3.
but that android box no way...
So your telling me that everything is working for you except porn, well trust me that is a blessing that your are not getting porn.
Have a blessed one.
03-12-2015, 01:12 AM
well i give up..
i uninstalled kodi ,re-installed it then installed stalker 0.5 and still no porn
went back and forth with different versions of helix even some nightly builds just for fun ,different versions of stalker..01 03 05 .and what ever i do no porn
rebooted ,unplugged ,you name it i tried porn on kodi live tv
but on my laptop easy as pie worked on the first install of 0.5 on top of 0.3.
but that android box no way...
Have you tried using freshstart plugin? It will completely wipe out any previous plugins hat you had. Sometime if you just uninstall kodi, some settings are left behind.... anyway worth a shot.
03-12-2015, 07:47 AM
When you uninstall kodi there is a box to check "ok to remove profiles". The default is not checked. Make sure you check it.
03-12-2015, 12:13 PM
ok guys i will try fresh start and i will check off the the little box.
double check it all
will keep you posted
03-12-2015, 10:01 PM
oh well i tried everything under the sun..
everything suggested .fresh start clean wipe uninstall reinstall
same thing ,all works except porn...
like i said did it the first try on my laptop is there..
i did noticed that installing kodi 14.1 stable release then installing ,0.5 pvr stalker client gave me the original message "cant install dll"
whats next ?
whats the difference between
14.2rc1: ARM – x86
14.1: ARM – x86
both listed as 14.1 helix stable release
03-13-2015, 06:20 PM
Have a problem
install PVC Client Private stalker Ver 0.5 zip file,,,,, put in the config info, it was easy pick up 139 channels
when i start Windows or Android Kody and go to tv,,,,,, its great with the first channel i pick ..... works great,,,,, but when i pick another channel it says "Can find URL" and won't open,, and none will open from that point
I need to restart kody so it can load again the channels and i only see the first channel i pick
Help greatly appreciated
Using Kpdu 14.1
03-13-2015, 06:30 PM
You may need to change the last six of your MAC one that will cooperate?
Or use the real last three set Mac address of your device.
03-16-2015, 04:31 PM
Hey the channels are loading on Kodi, but none of them appear to be showing now, they were showing before, can someone help?
Because the us channels are down now.
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