View Full Version : IPTV PORTAL : NA ... please post here
crazed 9.6
02-18-2016, 07:38 AM
only for those with the IPTV PORTAL : NA issue
all other posts will be deleted.
Guys and gals if you paid for IPTV but yet you see the IPTV Portal: NA indication.
then please post here.
It will help us get those that need attention with this particular matter, get the attention.
please mention in your post IPTV Portal: NA
This is what this thread is for only.
*and remember, there is a difference in paying for IKS alone, as appossed to IPTV + IKS... you will not get the IPTV Portal unless paid the correct option.
You can check that yourself by looking at the prices and what you paid.
02-18-2016, 08:10 AM
I am having this issue. Paid more than a week ago
crazed 9.6
02-18-2016, 08:24 AM
I am having this issue. Paid more than a week ago
you gonna be the first to be deleted from this thread.
But you are most welcome to post elsewhere on this forum, but unless you have the IPTV PORTAL : NA issue then this thread aint for you
Please read the criteria for this thread.
-this post of mine and your post will self destruct in 5 seconds.
02-18-2016, 08:29 AM
My IPTV Portal is still showing N/A
crazed 9.6
02-18-2016, 08:33 AM
My IPTV Portal is still showing N/A
okay, sorry about that. You are experiencing this very thing.
Have you sent email to iks66 yet ?
Dumb question I know.
Most important thing with them emails is to get the subject correct in the email title.
But regardless, your report here will help.
02-18-2016, 08:44 AM
okay, sorry about that. You are experiencing this very thing.
Have you sent email to iks66 yet ?
Dumb question I know.
Most important thing with them emails is to get the subject correct in the email title.
But regardless, your report here will help.
No problem buddy. I have not send them any email yet. May I know what is their email address?
crazed 9.6
02-18-2016, 08:53 AM
check at bottom of their website linked above.
Email is there.
Or in any email they may have sent you would be the better choice, if different.
02-18-2016, 11:17 AM
I am having the same issue. No iptv portal. n/a. I renewed for a 3 month sub, it work ar first then when stalker went down, I checked into iptv66 website and no portal. Sending email to iptv66. Thanks
02-18-2016, 11:27 AM
do give up it may take time
02-18-2016, 11:29 AM
I've got the same issue since Feb 15. Emailed them already but got no response or updates yet.
02-18-2016, 11:32 AM
yea it may take a little time sorry for that but it will get fixed
02-18-2016, 01:23 PM
I have been having the same problems, first order was 12/31/15 no problems there, was out of town let it run up and then tried to renew 2/5 couldnt renew,
so just ordered 3 months, payment went through, didnt get a response right away like first time so on 2/11 placed an order for a friend to try and recieved an email immediately.
email said user: as my email username and password and my correct mac, checked route and everything was good mag 254 box was running, but this route was for only 30 days. but the new order number and route matched up correctly when punched into mag box i had service.
on feb 14 received second email same order number as before but saying your new user routes have been assigned and had different username and password,. soon after box and service went down. here is where is gets funny.....I check the routes with this order number and route i get
now under route number it didnt matter if i put the correct route or anything else it returned the same response i just put that in there so my route didnt show
this box doesnt appear to be working
IPTV Portal:
50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Remaining days:
26 days
this i for both routes using the new order number
now using my previous order number from 12/31(from my first order) I get
you can put anything in here and this is what is shown
IPTV Portal:
50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Remaining days:
76 days
Mac Address:
so it seems that the route box on the search page can have anything inputted into unless i am doing it wrong i have used the route numbers but it returns the same status if i use something other than the order number it tells me wait 24-48 hours or check charges. i have tried to change mac and get unable to or php errors, when trying to reset iptv i get the red box with only 15 mac changes too many times etc... i have emailed from email address and contact page,
both emails i received say that i ordered iptv+iks free plus order amounts confirm this. can someone please help me
02-18-2016, 01:26 PM
Well I have two separate subscription with the same problem portal :n/a
02-18-2016, 02:22 PM
Hello. I am experiencing IPTV Portal N/A issue as well. I signed up for a one month service which included iptv and iks on Feb 11. Function on site worked but I had authorization issues with stalker and was unable to connect. On the 14th I received another email with new donation number and since then I have had IPTV Portal N/A. I did try and contact them twice using the contact tab in top right corner of page but have not received reply. Reading this thread I will email them using link at bottom of page with correct subject and see how that works.
02-18-2016, 05:02 PM
hi guys
have got portal N/A after reordering for another month.
Search Your Route
Hello, here is your Route details:
Route:# 27
IPTV Portal: N/A
Port(s): 50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Status: Running
Remaining days: 26 days
02-18-2016, 06:01 PM
Hi, I have problems too...
IPTV Portal:
50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Dias Restantes:
26 dias
02-18-2016, 06:04 PM
I paid for two donations, Received donation numbers for both, all was set up and working fine that was on 10/02/16. THEN on the 14/02/16 I receive two more emails with both original order numbers but both donation number changed as you can see.
Feb 10 at 11:20 PM
Order #: 6821160210191702
Hi User, your Route(s) has been assigned:
PORT: 50066 (Dish) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
DESKEY: 1234123412341234123412341234
Please use the following IPTV + Free IKS Route(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:
No. Username and Password MAC Address
1 61052xxxxxxxx Add
Feb 14 at 8:40 PM
Order #: 6821160210191702
Hi User, your new routes has been assigned:
PORT: 50066 (Dish) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
DESKEY: 1234123412341234123412341234
Please use the following Route(s) as the Username and Password in your Receiver:
No. Username and Password
And when I do a route check on the order using either donation number I get
Search Your Route
Hello, here is your Route details:
Route:# 61052xxxxxxxx
IPTV Portal: N/A
Port(s): 50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Status: Running
Remaining days: 179 days
Search Your Route
Hello, here is your Route details:
Route:# 7931xxxxxxxxx
IPTV Portal: N/A
Port(s): 50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Status: Running
Remaining days: 27 days
So to conclude I perches two donations IPTV+IKS NOT JUST (IKS) receive two donation number via email on 10/02/16 All working fine on two devices then before everything went belly up the send me two more emails on the 14/02/16 with the same order numbers bet two different donation numbers, both emails showing IPTV+IKS, yet when I do route check on both order numbers with either the original order number or new ones I get.
Search Your Route
Hello, here is your Route details:
Route:# 7931
IPTV Portal: N/A
Port(s): 50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Status: Running
Remaining days: 27 days
Talk about a confusing Cock up.
02-18-2016, 06:35 PM
I think this can be tracked down to IPTV orders made on Feb 13-14th. People got the "IKS only" confirmation email rather than the IPTV + IKS version; probably because the servers were still worked on and the IPTV buys were recorded as IKS. My version even got
... not the N/A but still no Change Mac link in the email or button on the site.
02-18-2016, 09:43 PM
bobitza IF you check the start of my Reply you will see it was the 10th when I ordered my two donations, after set up all was working fine on two devices, However for some Bizarre reason they then sent me two more donation numbers one for each order I placed on the 10th, its then they changed me to IPTV N/A.
02-18-2016, 11:09 PM
having same trouble-got route Sat-route details look the same as other posts NA.
02-18-2016, 11:28 PM
hi renewed for 6 mo, down to 179 days now with :iptv portal N/A message
02-18-2016, 11:35 PM
Same Issue iptv portal N/A..... neep help on this issue....
Every body will have wait to receive new information from 66. Server is at fault here and one email from the contact option at 66 is needed. Be sure ti give all the order information.
02-18-2016, 11:59 PM
Well.. something is happening over there... the 'link a mac' now comes back with a different page and you don't see the 'N/A' page any more.
20 mins later.. no it's back again, at least it appears to be alive and kicking....
02-19-2016, 12:08 AM
having the same issue here as well got the N/A, and can't see my MAC either.
02-19-2016, 12:32 AM
They are changing something ... I get the N/A on my order now, plus the page no longer asks me about order#, just the route.
02-19-2016, 12:36 AM
yes you are right about iks66 they changed it again
02-19-2016, 12:45 AM
Looks like they ARE getting back to normal.. I now get " You have reached the maximum searchs per day, please try again in 24 hours. ! "
So I'm sol...... lol...
02-19-2016, 01:03 AM
Can anyone explain to me what is a "route"? Is it the same as my order number?
02-19-2016, 02:55 AM
Can anyone explain to me what is a "route"? Is it the same as my order number?
Your "route" number is the same as your donation number. Or it is also referred to as the username/password that was sent in the first email to you from IKS66.
Order # is separate from this and it will start with 6821.
02-19-2016, 03:26 AM
I also have this problem.. emailed them couples days ago.. no response yet
02-19-2016, 04:01 AM
emailing them takes time
02-19-2016, 04:28 AM
just checked route, it only asks for route number, and am not a robot check, them red message on top in red saying please allow 24/48 hours to presses your order, and please check your credit card was charged, yes it was on the 10/02/16. So at least we know they have a sense of HOUMOUR :D
crazed 9.6
02-19-2016, 05:02 AM
Chriss that Order # comes up showing as No Order Found
I am sorry, this is not the news you want to hear, but that is what I just got thru my search.
The website is still not giving correct data and there is some problem with codes being stopped when renewing.
They are aware of this and we are hoping to see some results for everyone asap.
Check on your Order often for any changes, email again if you have to, but I would hold off on that for a bit of time.
02-19-2016, 11:31 AM
A Slight development, I Placed one order on the 10/02/16 For six months and a second on the 12/02/16 and received both donation number, after set up both working on two devices, then on the 14/02/16 IKS sent me two different donation numbers via email with the same order numbers, WHY GOD KNOWS, I have just checked and you are correct crazed 2.0 the original donation numbers say wait 24 hours, BUT when I check either of the two new donation numbers I still get
Search Your Route
Hello, here is your Route details:
Route:# 4129xxxxxxxxx
IPTV Portal: N/A
Port(s): 50066 (Dish) 40066 (BEV) 60066 (Sky Mexico) 55066 (Dish Mexico) 30066 (Claro TV 125W) 33066 (Claro TV 50W)
Status: Running
Remaining days: 178 days
At no time have I attempted to renew either of my two donations, so why they changed the donation numbers on both original orders I have no idea. Thanks for your reply crazed 2.0 , but trying to make sense of this is like solving which came first the chicken or the Egg.
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02-19-2016, 11:41 AM
IPTV Portal: NA
178 days
02-19-2016, 11:56 AM
that's my point tucker123 and if they are now going by just donation numbers which they changed for no apparent reason unless they spot my email and correct it my money is as good as in the bin, my order numbers are 6821160210191702 AND 6821160212235544
But as crazed 2.0 says he managed to check order numbers and its as if they no longer exist, we appear to be going on route donation numbers only.
Other people appear to be getting extra days as compensation on my checks on both donations I HAVE NOT so clearly they don't think I have been put out as they think I should be on IKS only.:mad:
the other notice I get doing a MAC check on either my original MACS IS Mac Address Status
This MAC Address 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX is good and ready to join our IPTV service.
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02-19-2016, 12:25 PM
I have 2 routes that show maxed outnsearches and 2.. please wait 24 48 hours....,also just a note that when entering anything into the route box email, letters numbers, it brings ip please wait 24 48 hours.... can anyone help me out? Ive posted here on the forums and sent the daily emails but no repsonse or fix yet.
02-19-2016, 04:05 PM
My IPTV Portal is still showing N/A
I have the same problem, have 2 confirmed donations and both were working, then 1 stopped and i was using the one on on iks, then tried to go to droid device, got that N?A page. then i found in my spam mail another donation number with same order number as original. tried that one on iptv and got the N/A page on trying to hook up, but it works on IKS only.
they gave me more days on the donation though. strange stuff... Crazed 2.0 you helped me authenticate both donation numbers. at least i still have one working with iptv.
got me scrahting my head :confused:
But thanks for helping me out again much appreciated Bro
02-19-2016, 04:29 PM
correct me if am wrong, but don't you need a satellite set up to use IKS ONLY?
02-19-2016, 05:22 PM
correct me if am wrong, but don't you need a satellite set up to use IKS ONLY?
receiver and dish setup.
02-19-2016, 05:29 PM
yes i have both ..:D
02-19-2016, 07:35 PM
sorry for my ignorance how i can setup iks i have dish in my house
Alejandro Ma
02-19-2016, 09:55 PM
HI i have the same issue i bougth two subcriptions for a month each one, iks and one iks+iptv, but in the two subscriptions i have iptv n/a
02-20-2016, 05:41 AM
HI i Also have the same issue I renew my old route which was working fine with a mac a few days later I got a new e-mail with a new route with no IPTV. Can't use it. I sent many emails no one got back to me yet.
02-20-2016, 07:26 AM
And at the time I send this no one has got back to me.
02-20-2016, 04:16 PM
buddies, send your order number, donation, email and problem to crazed moderator, we are working right now alot! plz
02-21-2016, 10:03 AM
did that, told I come up as 'order not found", think my credit card was charge ok but will verify today, the initial numbers I got worked then the replaced numbers don't?
02-21-2016, 10:58 AM
yep card charged feb 12
crazed 9.6
02-21-2016, 11:06 AM
I had your info tucker and did send it along. There were so many emails going back and forth thou some may have been missed.
Please send me the info again. Sorry about that if you were missed.
I knew some would be missed, is why I mentioned to please resend info if never heard back from me
02-21-2016, 04:01 PM
ok, did send some this am 21/2-Thanks
02-23-2016, 12:15 AM
info has been sent to crazed.
crazed 9.6
02-23-2016, 05:00 AM
info has been sent to crazed.
I did not get the message mania
Please re-send it.
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