View Full Version : My Gica 1800 FRESH START
My box was working fine until a week a go with KODI 15.2 and stalker client NFPS 0.8.4 and then it all went to hell.
I have deleted KODI and am looking for a fresh start could somebody please walk me through what steps to take to
get it working again
02-10-2016, 11:47 PM
first load 16.3 on it jarvis then or just go here and read
If I got this right what you are saying is that kodi 15.2 with the none of this is any good any more.
If that is the case what is the best place to download kodi 16.3 google play and I guess I need a new pvr.stalker.NFPS. Damn shame I got
my mac address all set up. Where do I go?
02-11-2016, 05:57 PM
you can use 15.2 but 16.3 is better thats up to you
I want to do this slow so I don't screw it up I got KODI 16 Jarvis and I deleted the old pvr stalker NFPS
Please what is next.
02-11-2016, 09:59 PM
I clicked on that site and it goes back to 2014, that can't be right
asft-when I click on your thread it goes to a total of 7 posts from 10/31/14 to 12/6/14.
There is nothing there about ninja?
big dady
02-12-2016, 01:37 AM
Big Dady-I Did that but I think I downloaded the wrong one PVR.stalker.NFPS and that does nothing.
Looks like it should be clairvoyance installer or Stalker epg update 1.0.2.?
02-12-2016, 03:33 PM
just a small correction although i'm sure all parties know kodi 16 has not reached 16.0 yet, we are currently at Release Candidate 3 for 16.0, not 16.3. :)
and the best place to download kodi is at, straight from the source.
@djmcshain, if you prefer stalker client nfps you need this file for jarvis, I dont know where you got the 1.0.2 version from, but you must upgrade.
also read up here:
OK I got KODI 16 but where in the hell is stalker.NFPS 1.0.3. I have downloaded pvr.stalker.nfps, and stalkerepgupdate-1.0.2zip and none of them work?
After 3 days I finally got KODI 16 and Stalker Client NFPS in but it doesn't work what an I missing
active portal iptv rocket
Mac address 00:00:00:XX:XX:XX
donation #12 numbers
XLMTV 72 hrs
connection time out 120 what more do I have to do?
all I get is authentication failed I even went to rocket and did a reset with the same mac address
is the server down or something what the hell is the problem?
Just a though-if I am using the same mac address on stalker client NFPS on the new version 1.0.3 that I was using on stalker client NFPS 0.8.4 do I have to change my mac address?
If I do what do I do first go to rocket and which one do I use first check rocket, link mac address or mac address checker and do I do that 1st before I change it on my box in the stalker
client NFPS 1.0.3? Thanks for your help, I think I am almost there.
Come on somebody has to know what I have to do next-I almost got it? HELP
02-15-2016, 03:12 PM
I'm running the 1900 box, with Kodi 15.1 and the Stalker Client NFPS (that I downloaded from epg.ninga). I was getting the same authentication error, until I downloaded a fresh version a few days ago. That new version seemed to fix the problem.
I got the KODI 16 and the stalker client NFPS 1.0.3 just fine. I think the problem is the mac address. mac address says already exists? so I don't know what do next?
02-17-2016, 05:07 AM
change it to ez
OK, I am ready but what is ez?
02-17-2016, 11:50 PM
wow type it but here change it to like any new number then save your good to go just use 78 not 79
I think what you are telling to do is change my mac address. Excuse me my head is not on straight< I have been going to the hospital every day for
radiation treatments. My set up is iptv rockettv mac address is 00:1A:79:XX:XX:XX if I change it what do I change 1st see my post #14
02-18-2016, 05:28 PM
oh its not 79 its 78 and your not using magtv right
Yes I am using 78and not 79 also My Gica 1800,if that helps.
Just went to check what I had on my gica 1800 I have kodi 16 stalker client Nfps dvbken 1.0.3 active portal iptv rocket
donation mac address 00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx donation # XXXXXXXXXXXX 12 #'s xmltv file 72 hrs connection time 120 seconds.
that is what's on the box.
Next went to rocket check rocket iptv reset-says update successfully? still don't work what the hell is up?
02-20-2016, 08:00 PM
did you set it to rocket ? and in kodi change it to live tv enable
I did that and all I get is authentication failed retrying? Do I need to change my mac address, I have tried everything else I can think of?
02-21-2016, 06:44 AM
thats what i did last time and it work on the other box i just unplugged it for few hrs and reboot and was good
Thanks for your help, I have been trying for two weeks to get it working again. Question, did you have to change your mac address and if so
what is the right way to do it. I know I got all the settings right.
Since everything else looks to be right, by that I mean Kodi 16 Stalker client NFPS dvbken 1.0.3 and the mac address is ok.
If I do not here from somebody by the weekend I am going to try the change mac address on the iptv rocket page.
Thanks Guys
02-23-2016, 10:30 PM
yes if you used the same mac address with another client like the one that comes with kodi you need to change mac address.
change it first on the providers web page, then configure the client with the new mac address, clear data or restart kodi.
Thanks for the information, that makes sense I will try it over the weekend.
did not work for me went back to kodi 16 and nfps 1.0.3 will try again with different numbers for mac.
OK what the hell am I doing wrong? I got kodi 16 with stalker client 1.0.3 so far so good changed mac address went to check rocket says iptv reset update successfully,
but mine iptv is not working what am I missing?
02-28-2016, 06:06 PM
mac is 00:1A:78 xx xx xx and then you code will have 66 or rocket or nfps pick the right one
I did that with 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX and I got rocket and I go to check rocket iptv reset update successfully and it still does not work. stalker client unknow error? What do I do now?
You seem to know more about this IPTV than anybody and mine was working fine until they changed it up and now I am lost.
I got KODI 16. and Stalker Client NFPS 1.0.3 I went to rocked for a reset and I got IPTV reset update successfully
but all I get is authorization failed, I got the IPTV up in the right side of the screen but it won't load. Please help
my current donation runs out in about two weeks and I would like to get it fixed before my new donation.
Thanks for your help for me just a dumb ass?
02-29-2016, 05:32 AM
see i just changed my mac address and it worked
Well that's great for you but of no help for me. You got an answer for my problem or not. You can
see from my postings what I have done, but I am stuck.
02-29-2016, 05:38 PM
oh try this to unplug the box for few hrs and turn on see if you get tv this is what i did had tv live off when you load the zip file then went to stalker and added all your info enable it then go to live tv and turn that on and you should have tv
OK, thanks asft I was not trying to be a wise ass I had it working fine till they changed it all up. I got Kodi 16 and
Stalker client NFPS 1.0.3 I going to try what you suggested, man I am 72 and don't know what the hell I am doing.
Thanks I will do it tomorrow and let you know.
This is what I did tonight, went to settings to TV settings hit default then to the addons Stalker Client 1.0.3 now I am or rocket went to bottom of the
page and hit default so every thing is gone then I unplugged the box and will leave it like that until I get home from the hospital. I will plug it in put the stalker in and the
enable TV and hope like hell that it works.
03-01-2016, 03:49 AM
look for most part it should work running many android boxes for testing and they work i have done nothing new us all the same files as you and im working
Ain't my luck great. Unplugged over 18 hrs. Pluged it in hit Kod1 16 comes up, first run all good next tv addons PVR Stalker NFPS
everything that I took off on default was right the hell back. Settings tv enable, load from backend the good old auth failed or unknown error see log
for details, I don't even know what the hell that is. I uninstalled Stalker client NFPS and unplugged the damn box and will try
again tomorrow!! THANKS
Anybody got some info to help me over the weekend when I got time time try anything. I got KODI 16 and Stalker client NFPS 1.0.3 I uninstalled the Stalker client 1.0.3
and reinstalled it and I still get auth failed. I unplugged it overnight still does not work went to rocket checker it tells me all is good, then why in the hell does it not work.
I am working woth MyGica 1800 and it worked fine before they changed enerything. If I can't get it working by 3/16 what the hell good is a new donation.
Thanks to all
I think I may have found the problem! I got Kodi 16 and I had Stalker Client NFPS 1.0.3 and I uninstalled the stalker client Nfps 1.0.3 and when I went
to install it pvr.stalker_nfps-android_arm_j_zip from my download files down in the right hand corner it says Stalker client nfps installation failed--anybody know how to fix this?
I had the right stalker client didn't I?
03-08-2016, 02:54 AM
you need to turn live tv off then try
what the hell am I missing-I got KODI 16 I verified that I got stalker client nfps 1.0.3 all re-installed checked rocket all is ok, but the damn box will not get tv? help-help
03-09-2016, 09:51 PM
did it install this time for you
when in stalker tell us what you did dont use real stuff
what url
what mac address and so on you should be working
you have live enabled what comes up on box or nothing
it has to be one same thing your missing
bet youll hit yourself in head when you find it
what zip file you trying to load on the box
You are right I am ready to hit myself in the head right now. Thank you for trying to help me out I will be in the hospital all
day tomorrow and will be so tired I can't do anything on Friday after rad/chemo but I will go over each of your points on Saturday and post them for you.
Thanks again
How in the hell did you know that it would not reinstall. this is what I did went to settings tv reset set as default the went to stalker client nfps 1.0.3 and uninstalled it and damn I could not reinstall it says failed.
This is what I had Kodi 16. stalker client NFPS which was in a zip file the others are plugin.program.clairvoyance.install zip and repository.**********.zip these to I could
On the main page stalker client NFPS, I had
MAC 00:1A;78.XX:XX:XX
donation which runs out in 4 days 2x2x28534728
xmltv file 72hrs
connection timeout 120
What I was getting stalker client failed authorization failed and in the upper right corner it would say pvr manager is starting up loading channel from client--but nothing happened..
But on check rocket everything was fine, something is messed up. My donation runs out in 4 days and I would like the get this fixed before I shell out more money
Thanks for your help
asfa come on man where are you, as you can see I think I am just a step away?
OK if I uninstalled pvr.stalker.nfps-android_arm-20160131zip and I can't reinstall it, then it has to be
the wrong stalker.nfps--where do I go to get the right pvr.stalker.nfps. help please I will do anything
you tell me.
can't somebody tell me what the hell I am supposed to do about client stalker nfps.
I have to put in a new donation number tomorrow and I don't want to mess this one up? Help
03-16-2016, 09:37 PM
sorry you need to turn off live tv unenable it and install your zip file then set up all your setting and after that turn it on if you did everything right you should have tv
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