View Full Version : New EPG Updater plugin
02-08-2016, 02:50 AM
Hey, of you like the ********** xml file, dont forget to throw a little love our way with the donate button on Http://**********
Install the ********** repo from http://********** then install the epg updater service addon from the repo and restart kodi
This service addon will update your epg cache or local file independantly of which stalker client you use.. it works for both pvr.stalker and pvr.stalker.nfps
Note.. Windows users will get a error with the current version.. Windows users (or any users really) need to get version 1.0.5 from **********/clairvoyance/testing.. no need to other users to manually install this, it will update itself when we add it to the repo.
for instructions see the appropriate how to threads
If you already have stalker installed and working, check out this video walkthrough
If you get any errors the only way I can help debug is if you send me a log file - Google how to do so if you dont know how to run on debugging
go into the plugins configuration screen and you can turn on debugging then turn on kodis debug logging
restart kodi
then use the kodi log uploder (install it if you dont have it) and PM me a link to your logfile.
02-08-2016, 03:18 AM
Seems like the maintenance at papiao is taking longer than I hoped.. So i have put up a TEMPORARY link so you can get the full epg.
for pvr.stalker users set your epg link to xxxx- set cache time to 12 hours and make sure cache is enabled.
for pvr.stalker.nfps users install the service.********** from http://**********/clairvoyance it will refresh the epg every time you open kodi..
So in my 0.8.4 PVRStalker (StalkerClient 0.8.4 running on Kodi15.2) under RemoteURL use "xxxx" ???
Where do I set the cache time to 12? Where do I enable cache? Is that in SETTINGS - PVR SERVICE or some it will say TV or LIVE-TV?? I'm in Arctic Zephyr Skin
02-08-2016, 03:30 AM
ljhookem.. guess u pointed out something i dindt anticipate... you need to upgrade to kodi 16 or use pvr.stalker.nfps as the older versions dont allow caching.
Thanks for all your good information and all the work you do my question has to do with the previous question in the older version of 0.8.4 Kodi 15, 2 since it does not have the cash an option that would just mean we cannot use the temporary link? And we'll have to wait for the original link to get updated? In other words once the EPG link is updated by papiao it will work correct? Hope to hear an answer soon and once again thanks for all your help
02-08-2016, 05:18 PM
correct. 15.2 does not use caching so cannot be used with this.. and i will not post a direct link to the file as all kodi clients would hit the server endlessley non stop bringing the server to a halt.. its a bug in kodi.. this is why we use the auth page, as a gatekeeper to slow it down.
You should really upgrade to kodi 16.. neither dvbken or I will be tailoring anything towards kodi 15 anymore. its time to upgrade.
02-08-2016, 05:38 PM
If you are using kodi 15 with 0.8.4 just set Guide Preference to "Prefer Provider" and leave Scope remote url blank. You will still get a guide, but just not as pretty. Once everything is fixed go back to using proper url for guide from ninja.
02-08-2016, 06:52 PM
QUOTE=ljhookem14;108848]So in my 0.8.4 PVRStalker (StalkerClient 0.8.4 running on Kodi15.2) under RemoteURL use "xxxx" ???
Where do I set the cache time to 12? Where do I enable cache? Is that in SETTINGS - PVR SERVICE or some it will say TV or LIVE-TV?? I'm in Arctic Zephyr Skin[/QUOTE]
What's the main advantage of doing this as of now my epg works it's on provider since I read that the epg was down. I still get info though just want to make sure what the difference is
02-08-2016, 07:00 PM
mikey read the first post again, or any of the other posts, you will see this has been answered..
02-08-2016, 08:17 PM
With the included Stalker PVR in Kodi 16 the fix worked great, get the guide with the correct time and full color now.
02-09-2016, 02:09 AM
It was like magic. Numerous tries without success before your fix. Now all is well. Thanks very much.
02-09-2016, 02:58 AM
mikey read the first post again, or any of the other posts, you will see this has been answered..
Wow missed it:p thanks
02-09-2016, 07:35 PM
Hi there, thanks for all the hard work in providing this for the community.
I noticed a slight error in the code for the inbuilt client version of the service.**********.updater addon.
After installation, I was getting a DLL error telling me that Kodi couldn't load PVR Stalker NFPS, but since I am on the inbuilt Stalker Client I thought that it was a bit odd that it was referencing the NFPS addon. So I took a look at the code in for the service.**********.updater addon and changed line 36 from
json = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Addons.SetAddonEnabled","params":{"addonid":"pvr.stalker.nfps","enabled":true},"id":1}
json = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Addons.SetAddonEnabled","params":{"addonid":"pvr.stalker","enabled":true},"id":1}
This seemed to do the trick and I got no more error.
I have uploaded my modified file here for anyone that wants it...
Ha! I thought it was strange as well as I had disabled the 'client NFPS' and it started up when restarting Kodi. Good catch!
02-09-2016, 08:32 PM
oops..most useful feedback ever award goes to this guy..!!! thanks bro ill fix that now
02-10-2016, 01:45 AM
Will this work on a avov/android version as well?
02-10-2016, 01:48 AM
should work on anything.. were working on improving this method actually, might become permenant after we integrate zip ability to cut down download times 10 fold. too early to say
crazed 9.6
02-10-2016, 01:50 AM
Will this work on a avov/android version as well?
yes, but follow pyscons thread posted in the Avov forum area.
That walkthru was written with the Avov functions in mind:)
or does this work okay pyscon?
The avov tutorial (well all tutorials) don't have the install of the service add-on included as a step, but I guess psycon and ken will just build that into the update.
02-10-2016, 02:14 AM
it works fine.. device platform shoudlnt matter the code is universal. i dont have all those boxes to test though..
not going to update the turorial yet,, papaiao links are supposed to be turned on soon so ppl should follow that for now.. it still gives server EPG.
the dev who made me the epg updater is back to the drawing board to make some improvements i suggested... and well release a single version good for both stalker clients... i would also like to have it configure kodis built in stalker client for you in a much easier way.... well see.
02-10-2016, 09:51 AM
oops..most useful feedback ever award goes to this guy..!!! thanks bro ill fix that now
Just trying to do my bit for the community :)
Glad it helped!
02-10-2016, 12:34 PM
I have had no issues with epg ninja so far.
02-10-2016, 02:51 PM
Hi, i have an older version of epg ninja installed on my fire-stick kodi 16 RC3, it seems to work fantastic, client downloads guide and channels. The problem i have is when i click on a channel, it just seems to time out. I noticed there is a newer version of the epg. ninja (10.02.16), will this fix that problem or is my problem related to pap's servers (newbie to forum)
02-10-2016, 05:25 PM
you guys are awesome this definitely fixes the issues, just tried for stalker client for kodi 15.2 works :-) I thank your time you took to fixing this patience is definitely a virtue glad i waited.
02-10-2016, 07:14 PM
please download the new version works for both original stalker and nfps version.. data is now zipped to cut down transfer time x10 as well.... it runs every time you open or quit kodi. will be adding a timed download as well soon..
This only works for kodi 16 unless you are using pvr.stalker.nfps 1.0.3 for kodi 15, it works for that version only as well.
02-10-2016, 08:11 PM
please download the new version works for both original stalker and nfps version.. data is now zipped to cut down transfer time x10 as well.... it runs every time you open or quit kodi. will be adding a timed download as well soon..
This only works for kodi 16 unless you are using pvr.stalker.nfps 1.0.3 for kodi 15, it works for that version only as well.
Ive installed the above file on kodi 16, made sure settings are right but when xmltv only is selected I get 'guide unable to load' error and the guide is blank with no info for any channel ... changing to prefer provider loads the guide without error but its in grey - is this right or have I messed up ?? (using stalker pvr)
Yes, that is the current status. They're waiting for XMLTV Only to be authorized.
02-10-2016, 08:27 PM
Yes, that is the current status. They're waiting for XMLTV Only to be authorized.
Ok Great - will wait til I see further updates on it ... Thanks for the reply :)
02-10-2016, 08:33 PM
"you can leave the papiao llinks as they are.. since they are down right now it wont affect anything.. and if/when they come back up.. this will still overwrite them (i hope).. "psycon
02-10-2016, 09:38 PM
My guide seems to be 30 minutes to an hour off. As in what it says is "On now" just ended and "Up next" is what's actually playing. Any idea how to adjust this?
Nevermind: Clearing data after installing the patch seems to have solved it.
02-10-2016, 10:26 PM
I must say the first time was same after that wow so much quicker thank you
please download the new version works for both original stalker and nfps version.. data is now zipped to cut down transfer time x10 as well.... it runs every time you open or quit kodi. will be adding a timed download as well soon..
This only works for kodi 16 unless you are using pvr.stalker.nfps 1.0.3 for kodi 15, it works for that version only as well.
It is working great. But the timed download would be a plus for those of us that don't re-start kodi very often. Thanks
02-10-2016, 11:54 PM
its in the plan.... ultimate goal is to have this code brought into the stalker clients themselves. that will take time tho and this is ready now.
02-11-2016, 12:23 AM
I used the file, and now the channels do load, however after I get the message "Stalker EPG Updater Error".....then it stays stuck on Importing guide from clients...Mexico 1. I am using Kodi 16, stock stalker client.
02-11-2016, 12:45 AM
I used the file, and now the channels do load, however after I get the message "Stalker EPG Updater Error".....then it stays stuck on Importing guide from clients...Mexico 1. I am using Kodi 16, stock stalker client.
PM me your log file - remove any sensitive information
02-11-2016, 01:16 AM
I'm not sure how to do that?
02-11-2016, 01:29 AM
how to make a log file
02-11-2016, 01:44 AM
Just installed this. Seems to be working great. Not as colorful of a guide but looks a lot better than just blah grey.
02-11-2016, 02:13 AM
Works good! yay, only problem now is my sound is very low?
02-11-2016, 03:09 AM
Just installed this. Seems to be working great. Not as colorful of a guide but looks a lot better than just blah grey.
its exactly the same as before.. the same file... colors are handled by whatever skin you are using.
02-11-2016, 03:09 AM
Works good! yay, only problem now is my sound is very low?
turn it up.. this plugin in no way adjusted your volume.
02-11-2016, 05:22 AM
I have a fresh install of Jarvis RC3 and the updater throws an error on start up but I still get a guide. The guide is not grey and it is not colored it is mixed. On the same channel it will show some shows grey others colored. Might be something in RC3 the full guide I remember from RC2 wasn't mixed.
02-11-2016, 08:01 AM
thats odd zyclops..
if you go into the plugins configuration you can turn on debugging
then turn on kodis debug logging
and restart kodi
then use the kodi log uploder (install it if you dont have it) and PM me a link to your logfile..
02-11-2016, 08:08 AM
Ive managed to get mine up in colour with no error xmltv only but guide is an hour forward / ahead compared to listings (using nfpsf3 to pull) ... stumped on how to fix this - any ideas ??
02-11-2016, 08:24 AM
look in settings
02-11-2016, 05:22 PM
I was able to get this going, full color epg. However, I noticed that the US channels are very low quality (mostly blocky). I have another CPU that is exactly the same as this one that I am trying this EPG Updater, however it is running Kodi 15.2 and using the stock stalker client (configured for, and its quality is very good. I also tried, just for a test to install Kodi 16 on this same cpu and the quality of the US channels degraded as well.
Anybody else experiencing this?
Seems as though it has something to do with (used in Kodi 15.2) and (used with Kodi 16)
02-11-2016, 05:30 PM
this epg downloader or the EPG itself has nothing to do with video quality of the streams..
02-11-2016, 05:38 PM
Don't know what to say, however I just switched between both versions on both cpu's and the video quality on the cpu's that run Kodi 15.2 are much better than if they were running 16.
Seems as though it has something to do with (used in Kodi 15.2) and (used with Kodi 16)
There was a time that when I re-installed Kodi15.2 on one of the cpu's, still had the address in stalker client. Channels did load, however quality was very bad....then I just entered the address and the quality improved.
Don't know what to say, however I just switched between both versions on both cpu's and the video quality on the cpu's that run Kodi 15.2 are much better than if they were running 16.
Seems as though it has something to do with (used in Kodi 15.2) and (used with Kodi 16)
There was a time that when I re-installed Kodi15.2 on one of the cpu's, still had the address in stalker client. Channels did load, however quality was very bad....then I just entered the address and the quality improved.
The address has nothing to do with your video quality. Those shortcuts used in Kodi 15 and lower just go to the same place... it's more direct to use the full url, in fact. There might be some differences in how video is handled between the Kodi versions though, as Kodi 16 is a significant change from Kodi 15 (at least under the hood.)
02-11-2016, 06:00 PM
thats new one
02-11-2016, 06:01 PM
its likely you have to play with your accelleration settings in settings (advanced)>video>acceleration
02-11-2016, 06:05 PM
good to know. I just installed Kodi 15.2, running Stalker Client (stock program), using and for some reason now I get the full color EPG with good video quality channels. I'm going to do the same to my 2nd cpu as Kodi 16 seems to be just giving me grief since I installed it.
correction: I just get the grey, 1 hr behind epg now......guess this was too good to be true. Still staying on 15.2, seems a lot more stable and the guide being behind an hour is not a big deal.
02-11-2016, 06:13 PM
please start a new thread if you are having issues that are not related to the EPG downloader plugin.
Getting this error on startup on Kodi 16 RC3 on my pc, consistently, with the new service addon (old service addons uninstalled.) Running the built in client, with nfps client disabled:It appears that the doesn't want to be expanded in pvr.stalker userdata folder. It's probably ok with the 'nfps' client though.
02-11-2016, 07:50 PM
Papiao links seem to be resolving now. I removed the EPG updater addon and changed to XMLTV Only and guide pulls in colour and correct time offset 👍
02-11-2016, 07:53 PM
yeah papaio links are back up for now.. would like as many poeple to remain using this updater insteadas we may be changing to this method gong forward as it greatly reduces bandwidth
02-11-2016, 07:53 PM
psycon is probably doin something dara,i just checked and files were updated abt a hr ago.they dont update anywhere near that time on the schedule so psycon musta manually ran a update.
02-11-2016, 07:59 PM
yes dara. im aware of that issue.. looking into it
02-11-2016, 08:00 PM
Works perfect Psycon. I really appreciate all the work you have been putting forward lateley! Is there somewhere I can donate to you?
02-11-2016, 08:06 PM
donate to your local food bank crjmichiels.. that would make me happy.
02-11-2016, 08:13 PM
Consider it done!
02-11-2016, 08:24 PM
updated to ver 1.0.2 to fix the windows bug.
02-11-2016, 08:53 PM
You are the man. Great job. Thanks
yeah papaio links are back up for now.. would like as many poeple to remain using this updater insteadas we may be changing to this method gong forward as it greatly reduces bandwidth
Are you sure that this is not pulling from papaio now too when you still have the URL in the stalker client? I just saw updating guide from clients on startup.
02-11-2016, 09:05 PM
ohh that is our psycon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fantastic . Thank you thank you for"" The Job"" well done
02-11-2016, 09:24 PM
johoja made the plugin, i jsut had the idea. thanks tho guys.
updated to ver 1.0.2 to fix the windows bug.
Re: my issue.... mo betta now. :)
02-14-2016, 08:42 AM
1.03 released. added scheduler function so you dont need to quit kodi to refresh..
also created a kodi repo to automate future updates.
1.03 released. added scheduler function so you dont need to quit kodi to refresh..
also created a kodi repo to automate future updates.
Talk about being efficient.......nice job, and thanks a lot. And also thanks to johoja for the coding of the updater.
02-14-2016, 09:15 PM
ok i have 1.0.3 running on kodi 16 but my epg isnt working. im using it on a pc. can someone make a small tutorial on what to download and how to install for fix i went to sight and the downloads are confusing. and you press help it come hear wtf i need a tutorial.
02-14-2016, 09:20 PM
ok i have 1.0.3 running on kodi 16 but my epg isnt working. im using it on a pc. can someone make a small tutorial on what to download and how to install for fix i went to sight and the downloads are confusing. and you press help it come hear wtf i need a tutorial.
ok the site says
"To use our EPG you simply need to install the latest verison of our updater plugin from our repo. See the Help Section for instructions.. "
you press download. and you see 2 zip files.. the build, and the repo it told you to get.
you press help and it comes here.. where there are 2 How-to threads stickied for all to see..
how is that not clear enough? SMH
ok i have 1.0.3 running on kodi 16 but my epg isnt working. im using it on a pc. can someone make a small tutorial on what to download and how to install for fix i went to sight and the downloads are confusing. and you press help it come hear wtf i need a tutorial.
If you installed it from the repository it should have updated to verson 1.0.4. It did for me and is working fine.
02-14-2016, 11:40 PM
ok the site says
"To use our EPG you simply need to install the latest verison of our updater plugin from our repo. See the Help Section for instructions.. "
you press download. and you see 2 zip files.. the build, and the repo it told you to get.
you press help and it comes here.. where there are 2 How-to threads stickied for all to see..
how is that not clear enough? SMH
thare is like 10 different files i installed when i instaled i wasn able to connect back to iptv66 it would say failed connection. i had to remove kodi and set it up again than i could watch tv but still no epg i reinstaled repository.**********,zip what do i do next. its not clear like you said thare is no instruction on what file to put in at what time and how to set it up after install.
example you said install the epg updater you could name the file so we know witch one it is.
02-15-2016, 12:08 AM
is version1.0.4?
02-15-2016, 12:52 AM
psycon, so in other words people using Kodi 15.2 are left with out an EPG? am I understanding this rite?
I'm asking because I always wait for a stable version of Kodi before upgrading. I can get EPG by selecting prefer XMLTV but no colors and the guide itself is of by an hour.
02-15-2016, 01:10 AM
ok i ran into it on accident trying to install log file in repository. ok for people as computer iliterat as me that need help hear it is. install repository.**********.zip. than go to system/add-ons/install from repository/********** add-ons/services/ stalker epg updater it will install. reboot kodi all fixed.
02-15-2016, 04:21 AM
thanks anyway but im out
02-15-2016, 04:48 AM
godasassin.. we are not here to spoon feed people. a simple google for kodi or how to install a kodi repo would have saved you a lot of trouble.
garmin/acidjesus- it doeswork with 15, see the how to thread.
02-15-2016, 09:25 AM
godasassin.. we are not here to spoon feed people. a simple google for kodi or how to install a kodi repo would have saved you a lot of trouble.
garmin/acidjesus- it doeswork with 15, see the how to thread.
:D:o .... Is there no emoticon to bow down???....
02-15-2016, 01:56 PM
Psycon, so I followed your update instructions on but to no avail... My channels are loading, the updater comes up says "Next update at 2:00pm".. but I'm not getting anything. I was getting "Unable to load channels" but I got that sorted out. Not getting any errors or anything, just channels load, updater comes up and then nothing channels are working like they should just no EPG.
02-15-2016, 01:59 PM
is version1.0.4?
man, look at the folder you are in. what does it say.
EDIT: oh psycon added a repository to hes first addons and pvr stalker nfps.
@psycon: way to go ninja developer. I been messing with addons and repos myself but it goes way back to the first 1channel versions.
02-15-2016, 03:37 PM
godasassin.. we are not here to spoon feed people. a simple google for kodi or how to install a kodi repo would have saved you a lot of trouble.
garmin/acidjesus- it doeswork with 15, see the how to thread.
Followed instructions & epg all good with updater on Kodi 15.2, except behind time 1 hour (am in UK). How do I solve this?
02-15-2016, 03:44 PM
Followed instructions & epg all good with updater on Kodi 15.2, except ahead of time 1 hour (am in UK). How do I solve this?
wouldnt that mean its not all good?
i bet your epg is all grey?
if so you using provider epg and not ********** epg.
so its not all good.
02-15-2016, 04:12 PM
wouldnt that mean its not all good?
i bet your epg is all grey?
if so you using provider epg and not ********** epg.
so its not all good.
No I'm pretty sure epg was colour & I'm set to xmltv only, just out by an hour, but can't confirm for sure cause can't get on at mo.
Easy on the sarcasm big boy, we're not all as clever as you )
02-15-2016, 05:34 PM
check the 1 hour offset box in the add ons settings, then clear data and restart
02-15-2016, 05:49 PM
check the 1 hour offset box in the add ons settings, then clear data and restart
When I can get on will try that.
02-15-2016, 06:02 PM
check the 1 hour offset box in the add ons settings, then clear data and restart
i know u hate dumb questions chief but where might i find this settings panel? Which addon?
02-15-2016, 06:13 PM
addons/myaddons/services/stalker epg updater
02-15-2016, 08:14 PM
Hi Psycon,
I think there is a small error in the code:
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderNfps):
downloadNfps = False
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderStalker):
downloadNfps = False
Should be:
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderNfps):
downloadNfps = False
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderStalker):
downloadStalker = False
Thanks for the hard work :)
02-15-2016, 08:19 PM
Hi Psycon,
I think there is a small error in the code:
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderNfps):
downloadNfps = False
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderStalker):
downloadNfps = False
Should be:
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderNfps):
downloadNfps = False
if not os.path.exists(addonFolderStalker):
downloadStalker = False
Thanks for the hard work :)
ill take a look. thanks for the headsup. loving the community effort/input on this.
02-16-2016, 08:25 AM
Installed updater....linked local path to the prescribed folder in stalker loads flawlessly....timing perfect.
Thanks chief.
02-16-2016, 01:24 PM
correct. 15.2 does not use caching so cannot be used with this.. and i will not post a direct link to the file as all kodi clients would hit the server endlessley non stop bringing the server to a halt.. its a bug in kodi.. this is why we use the auth page, as a gatekeeper to slow it down.
You should really upgrade to kodi 16.. neither dvbken or I will be tailoring anything towards kodi 15 anymore. its time to upgrade.
Please note : Some android boxes like the AVOV Vixo 2 does not allow upgrades to some of its Apps as there is no installer. The Apps are provided only through the MickeyHop App Store and if the App or upgrade isn't there, you can't install it. This box has no manual installer to allow loading or installing using a USB flash drive, download or other source like Google Playstore, Amazon Apps or any other App source. As for Mickeyhop, it appears to be focused on adding game Apps and other Apps which I could easily live without. Until their technical support adds Kodi 16.0 App to the Mickeyhop Store, it can't be upgraded and the EPG will not be an option until it is.
02-16-2016, 01:41 PM
Psycon, in instructions here
you said 9b) (Kodi 15 users only) - set remote url in pvr.stalker config to special://userdata/addon_data/pvr.stalker/epg_xmltv.xml it should be "Local Path" instead of "Remote Url" it worked for me the first time after I changed it from remote to local.
02-16-2016, 03:51 PM
Psycon, in instructions here
you said 9b) (Kodi 15 users only) - set remote url in pvr.stalker config to special://userdata/addon_data/pvr.stalker/epg_xmltv.xml it should be "Local Path" instead of "Remote Url" it worked for me the first time after I changed it from remote to local.
I saw a post by blackbear that said what you just did....tried it via local path and it worked.
02-17-2016, 02:33 AM
Did not work for me
Gave me an error on startup
02-17-2016, 02:45 AM
And now i hit guide and it takes me to channels instead
02-17-2016, 03:16 AM
for instructions see the appropriate how to thread
where the heck is this, couldn't find any stickies or anything obvious. the avov guide posted here says nothing but how to install the stalker nfps?
a link would have been appropriate.
EDIT: never mind: I had a fly in my eye.
its not very informative though, what do I set cache time to: just 12? guess i'm just gonna install it and play around.
EDIT EDIT: forget it I just woke up, my brain was in formaldehyde for recharging..
looking at the addon, it obvius lol.
EDIT EDIT EDIT: thumbs up for the advancements in the addon, much more useful.
I was expecting something else hence the questions, but now the addon says it all.
genius with the zip file, it compress' the .xml nearly 10 times.
02-17-2016, 05:00 AM
lol. yeah it really cut down on traffic
02-17-2016, 05:14 AM
I had a lot of trouble using the cache 'hack' method with the built in stalker client 1.0.3, no matter how many times I deleted cached epg, cleared data, restarted it would now show the epg. it downloaded the cache file fine and all, but every time the guide was blank, also you get an error on startup when the xml path is blank.
I ended up using the method for kodi 15.2 which is much more natural for the built in stalker client. pointing it to a file as intended worked the first time without any problems and no annoying error message. I realize nfps stalker is different, but for the built in stalker this is really the way it should be configured imho according to how the addon works, i disabled cache of cause dont know what will happen if you don't.
a customized location to download the file for build in stalker client would be nice. :)
02-17-2016, 05:19 AM
yeah the instructions are temporary really.. future version will configure pvr.stalker completely for you... jsut need to put in donation and mac.
02-17-2016, 05:44 AM
yeah i read that, it will be a great addon, i'm just waiting, and with all the up and downs i'm not really in the mood to change mac, and fool around. my previous experience with the website or service earlier today was not good lol.. i can live with that though, i take it that it must mean they are working to better things.
02-17-2016, 05:59 AM
my thoughts exactly. actually giving me time to focuson an dekodify my build
02-17-2016, 06:21 PM
check the 1 hour offset box in the add ons settings, then clear data and restart
Hi Psycon i searched everywhere for this setting and cannot find it, can you be a little more detailed.
Thank You
Hi Psycon i searched everywhere for this setting and cannot find it, can you be a little more detailed.
Thank You
So you don't have to wait for him, look at the settings for the Stalker EPG Updater. You get there by going though Settings>Add-ons> My add-ons> Servers > Stalker EPG Updater.
02-17-2016, 07:08 PM
So you don't have to wait for him, look at the settings for the Stalker EPG Updater. You get there by going though Settings>Add-ons> My add-ons> Servers > Stalker EPG Updater.
Thanks i got it now!
02-18-2016, 01:11 AM
Great work team keep up the good work.
02-18-2016, 07:57 AM
instead of downloading to the pvr dir if you run the normal nfps client i 'modified' the script to download to the service.stalkerEpgUpdate directory and then just load it as normal in pvr.stalker 16 or 15 this feels more natural to load the file this way. also since i couldn't get it to think it had a cache file no matter what did, the same happened from some of my family, i honestly dont know why maybe because some had the cache function off to start with. (i of cause turned it on)
pointing to the file worked as a charm the first time. it does seem to have some obvious advantages.
anyway i'm loving the simplicity of the addon, the cron function. and of cause the obvious ingenuity that comes with it, i really hope you keep it for the built in stalker, even if it becomes integrated in stalker nfps.
using the method above works really good with it, i only moved the file to not interfere with kodi 16 natural cache function, so it wont matter if its off or on. and the addon's data dir seemed obvious.
02-18-2016, 09:33 AM
nice work i just set the url in the 15 version of kodi with pvr stalker from remote to local same link and the epg fire up without any issues and my kodi has a setting of -1 for logging so i get no logs cache is always at zero, it was the link that got me thinking why remote url when the epg is downloaded lol
02-18-2016, 01:58 PM
yeah but since kodi 16 (i use kodi 16) has caching and kodi 15.2 does not and this addon originally relies on updating that cache file to make the client think that the epg has been updated, i was affraid what oddities might happen if you at the same time pointed it to load it's own cache file as epg if caching also was turned on. maybe nothing heh but now not much will happen and it seemed more logic. i would barely call it a modification though lol.
02-18-2016, 04:52 PM
did this, works great, thanks
02-18-2016, 08:52 PM
I am getting an error on start up after installing the Stalker EPG Updater and im running Kodi 16 RC2 with the stalker NFPS Client on android. What is this pointing to the local path that everyone is talking about? Is that what i need to do? If so how?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: By the way i have looked for the how to threads and couldnt find them so sorry
I am getting an error on start up after installing the Stalker EPG Updater and im running Kodi 16 RC2 with the stalker NFPS Client on android. What is this pointing to the local path that everyone is talking about? Is that what i need to do? If so how?
Thanks in advance!
Check the tutorials for the client's epg integration that psycon has posted.
02-18-2016, 09:50 PM
Check the tutorials for the client's epg integration that psycon has posted.
Thanks for the reply but all i could find in that thread was how to configure stalker nfps client related questions and answers nothing about epg.....
Thanks for the reply but all i could find in that thread was how to configure stalker nfps client related questions and answers nothing about epg.....
It's clear as day on what to use for the "remote" path. psycon's instructions are not subject to interpretation... if you follow them, you will link, and get your guide. The path is necessary for Kodi 15, but it only has to be filled in with a dummy value for Kodi 16.
Thanks Psycon and all, it working on Openelec fine.
02-19-2016, 12:11 AM
It's clear as day on what to use for the "remote" path. psycon's instructions are not subject to interpretation... if you follow them, you will link, and get your guide. The path is necessary for Kodi 15, but it only has to be filled in with a dummy value for Kodi 16.
Ok, i get it now, the instructions are for the BUILT IN Stalker client under the XMLTV Scope: you can change the values there. I am using the Slalker CLIENT NFPS, there are none of those settings for that in the CLIENT NFPS. I guess i will change over to the BUILT IN stalker client and my issues will be resolved.
Sorry for all the confusion and thanks for the heads up!
Ok, i get it now, the instructions are for the BUILT IN Stalker client under the XMLTV Scope: you can change the values there. I am using the Slalker CLIENT NFPS, there are none of those settings for that in the CLIENT NFPS. I guess i will change over to the BUILT IN stalker client and my issues will be resolved.
Sorry for all the confusion and thanks for the heads up!
Actually, the loader will work with the NFPS client in Kodi 16, just fine. The problem today is that the updated 1.0.3 client isn't available in the ********** repo, so if you have an earlier version, you may not get it to work. Anyway, do try it with the built in client, and you later see how much easier it is to set up the NFPS version.
02-19-2016, 01:59 AM
I am using a firestick. I have Kodi 16. How do I install the epg updater into Kodi?
Thanks for any help would be appreciated.
02-19-2016, 04:01 AM
EDIT: dont know why i replied to your message dara, i miss read it and looking it over it was quite messy and out of context. sorry, i'll shorten it up lol.
it seems the client does not even cache the file if its set to point to a local location or a local file. heh. that explains the issues i and some others experienced here, it has point to a remote dummy file at least.
so trying using the 15.2 method if you have trouble is ok with the built in kodi 16 client. while we all wait for the new stalker 'nfps'. :)
02-19-2016, 07:08 PM
Stalker EPG Updater Error... I have the latest version of the plug in... what is the problem? I got kodi 16 v3 and nfps stalker... I read the post but it's confusing... can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks
Actually, the loader will work with the NFPS client in Kodi 16, just fine. The problem today is that the updated 1.0.3 client isn't available in the ********** repo, so if you have an earlier version, you may not get it to work. Anyway, do try it with the built in client, and you later see how much easier it is to set up the NFPS version.
Just a quick update for those looking for the 1.0.3 version... the zip files are now available via the ********** site. The repo still doesn't have the jarvis versions though.
02-19-2016, 07:50 PM
Sorry dara but I don't see it on the site... I just see the repo
02-19-2016, 07:58 PM
the updater does work with the built in version but it only brings in 1 part of the epg the size is 16.850 it seems tobe updating certain channels ive tried it a couple of times. tuxen it is cacheing the file its not brining in the whole epg under remote or local its exactly the same and ive deleted it and tried both ways local and remote the only difference i can tell is remote and xmltv only setting brings the color with the epg if set to prefer its grey
02-19-2016, 08:02 PM
swisstribe above the repo you will see pvr.stalker.nfps/ <----click that folder to enter and all versions are in there
02-20-2016, 01:38 AM
Seems the site is temporarily down. I had just accessed it earlier today as my father mentioned the EPG was off, lol. He's a happy camper either way now with your addon, hope the downtime is deliberate and nothing that causes a headache!
02-20-2016, 02:01 AM
wtf.. damn server update borked the server. im on it
edit: webpage restored
02-20-2016, 12:59 PM
I'm running kodi 15.2 and installed the epg update plugin. I'm using the stalker client as the nfps client is giving me a run dll error. I have everything working fine expect the guide. I can't seem the find the epg xml file to set the local path to. Running a tronsmart android box
02-20-2016, 01:43 PM
I'm running kodi 15.2 and installed the epg update plugin. I'm using the stalker client as the nfps client is giving me a run dll error. I have everything working fine expect the guide. I can't seem the find the epg xml file to set the local path to. Running a tronsmart android box
set scope to local path and browse to: 'External storage/Android/org.xmbc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/pvr.stalker/' and select the epg_xmltv.xml file.
clear data under system->tv and it will load.
IMPORTANT: you need to turn on hidden files and directories under 'system->appearance->file lists' first, or the .kodi directory in the path will not be visible.
02-20-2016, 04:12 PM
instead of downloading to the pvr dir if you run the normal nfps client i 'modified' the script to download to the service.stalkerEpgUpdate directory and then just load it as normal in pvr.stalker 16 or 15 this feels more natural to load the file this way. also since i couldn't get it to think it had a cache file no matter what did, the same happened from some of my family, i honestly dont know why maybe because some had the cache function off to start with. (i of cause turned it on)
pointing to the file worked as a charm the first time. it does seem to have some obvious advantages.
anyway i'm loving the simplicity of the addon, the cron function. and of cause the obvious ingenuity that comes with it, i really hope you keep it for the built in stalker, even if it becomes integrated in stalker nfps.
using the method above works really good with it, i only moved the file to not interfere with kodi 16 natural cache function, so it wont matter if its off or on. and the addon's data dir seemed obvious.
Yes setting the download location for the epg and using the local url in stalker is probably the best.
I don't use the nfps client but I believe it does not have the local url option. Perhaps? That's what psycon mentioned to me. And the only for nfps clients to load epg was to trick it by updating the cache
Not sure what the advantage of using the nfps client vs stalker is other than initial setup (which is Easy anyway)
Ill add a setting that let's specify the download folder for the epg in the epg addon
02-20-2016, 05:42 PM
Still getting Stalker EPG Updater Error with kodi 16... latest updater and latest stalker nfps.... on two different installs on pc... what am I doing g wrong?
02-20-2016, 06:10 PM
Yes setting the download location for the epg and using the local url in stalker is probably the best
I don't use the nfps client but I believe it does not have the local url option. Perhaps?
That's what psycon mentioned to me. And the only for nfps clients to load epg was to trick it by updating the cache
Not sure what the advantage of using the nfps client vs stalker is other than initial setup (which is Easy anyway)
Ill add a setting that let's specify the download folder for the epg in the epg addon
exactly it does not have that option to choose a file manually hence the cache workaround.
a download location for the normal stalker client would be very nice, thank you very much. :)
the next version of stalker 'nfps' is supposed have it all built in, so the advantage is the initial setup for new users.
but for those who can/does not use it for different reasons, the above option would come very handy.
i suppose at that time the stalker nfps cache workaround should be disabled anyway.
but it would be fantastic with a epg updater for the built in stalker client.
thanks again!
and to the epg team i cant say enough how much this should be appreciated, a enormous work must have gone into putting this together, so give thanks to psycon, blackbear, and all the others helping us getting a great epg, their ideas, and bits and pieces. :).
02-20-2016, 06:55 PM
Still getting Stalker EPG Updater Error with kodi 16... latest updater and latest stalker nfps.... on two different installs on pc... what am I doing g wrong?
read the first post.. only way i can help is if you send a debug log.
02-20-2016, 08:29 PM
I'd like to add my thanks to Tuxen's remarks. Live TV on Kodi would not be the same without this great EPG.
And I noticed this morning that movies and TV episodes now show the year of release, which I think is a great addition.
02-21-2016, 02:53 AM
im happy with all the great thing they did give me more really thank you
02-21-2016, 05:16 AM
I too am getting the "STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR"
I have two M8S devices. Both are on Kodi 16 and using PVR Stalker Client NFPS 1.0.3. One device is using an IKS account and the other is using an NFPS account. The IKS device is working perfectly and Stalker Updater is working just fine. The NFPS device is getting the updater error. Any ideas as to why my NFPS device is getting the updater error?
Thank you kindly in advance.
02-21-2016, 02:34 PM
ljhookem.. guess u pointed out something i dindt anticipate... you need to upgrade to kodi 16 or use pvr.stalker.nfps as the older versions dont allow caching.
I update to Kodi 16, change to xxxx and 12 hour but have massage "Failed to connect to server".
02-21-2016, 06:59 PM
I get the same error on iks and rocket subscriptions... weird
02-21-2016, 07:22 PM
I have iks 66 using kodi 16 and tried using the stalker nfps after using the repository update. It's giving me the same error about add-on couldn't be loaded.
Update: Went back to stalker and it appears to be working. The stalker nfps is the one that's kicking out. Oh yeah, when I am using the guide and toggling between views the Kodi will reboot automatically. So I need to stay in one view I guess.
02-21-2016, 08:54 PM
the epg has nothing to do with if your stalker client doesnt work.. if you get "Failed to connect to server". thats an issue with your stalker client.. check the how to or try a different client..
r3dman, if your device has 1gb of ram or less, using the full epg view may cause kodi to crash... a smaller english only/24 hour pull will be made in the future to help with this..
02-21-2016, 08:58 PM
psycon thanks alot for all your help! One more question, before all the stuff went down with the new verifications etc, the old epg guide would parse the channels by type. I could load all movie channels, sports, etc... Is there a way to get that back? Or do I have manually update it? I'm a lazy man.
02-21-2016, 09:22 PM
program groups have nothing to do wit the epg
02-21-2016, 10:19 PM
Sorry for posting the same question twice, but I'm wondering if there is a solution to the "STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR".
I also notice in the EPG when I highlight a channel - at the end of the programming info at the bottom of the EPG it says "If your using Kodi and see this messge, your using the wrong EPG. Go to **********"
I'm using 1.0.3 - so I'm assuming I'm getting the "wrong EPG" message because Stalker Updater isn't working. How do I resolve this "updater error"?
Thank you kindly in advance.
02-21-2016, 10:20 PM
update the plugin to 1.0.5 and try again. think i fixed it
02-21-2016, 10:30 PM
psycon thanks alot for all your help! One more question, before all the stuff went down with the new verifications etc, the old epg guide would parse the channels by type. I could load all movie channels, sports, etc... Is there a way to get that back? Or do I have manually update it? I'm a lazy man.
i dont think that's got anything to do with the addon. i think you are referring to channel groups, about 10-15 are available as default and are set by the providers, you can add your own channel groups too. so that has nothing to do with the addon. make sure system-> live tv and 'synchronize channels groups with backend(s) is on. try reloading channels, or the channels group will likely come back sometime. if that's what you mean its not addon related at all, do not be lazy and hijack a thread another time. :)
02-21-2016, 10:31 PM
Sorry for my ignorance, but how do I update the Stalker EPG Updater to 1.0.5? When I go into the ********** add-ons repo > Services > Stalker EPG Updater and click on "Update", it only gives me the 1.0.4 option (which is the version I'm currently using).
Thanks again.
02-21-2016, 10:34 PM
go to settings >install from repo, hit menu on the ********** repo and "check for updates"
02-21-2016, 10:37 PM
Thank you for those instructions. I managed to update to version 1.0.5, but I'm still getting the "STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR"
02-21-2016, 11:16 PM
yeah that didnt work.. i removed 105 for now. were working on it
02-21-2016, 11:24 PM
Sounds good, thank you for the update. Thanks for your hard work.
02-22-2016, 01:00 PM
For those who have "STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR" issue try to downgrade to 1.0.4 if you running 1.0.5, it worked for me.
02-22-2016, 02:27 PM
Now that 1.05 was removed lol
02-22-2016, 03:29 PM
the problem in the log file seems to be that it is looking for settings in the nfps plugin that only exist in the built in stalker... I think...
02-22-2016, 09:00 PM
For those who have "STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR" issue try to downgrade to 1.0.4 if you running 1.0.5, it worked for me.
Version 1.0.5 was removed for further calibration and 1.0.4 isn't working for some of us. I have two identical devices both using Kodi 16 and PVR Client NFPS 1.0.3 - One of them is working with EPG Updater v1.0.4 and the other is not (getting the STALKER EPG UPDATER ERROR on the device EPG Updater isn't working on). Hopefully, the EPG Updater v1.0.5 comes soon and resolves the error issue some users like me are experiencing.
02-22-2016, 09:06 PM
Think the author has bugs on all of his stalker updates,i could be wrong.
02-22-2016, 10:01 PM
try version 1.0.5 in http://**********/clairvoyance/testing
need feedback from windows and android arm/x86 users before i put it in the repo
02-22-2016, 10:13 PM
try version 1.0.5 in http://**********/clairvoyance/testing
need feedback from windows and android arm/x86 users before i put it in the repo
Just installed on Amazon Fire TV, all good :) Thanks
02-22-2016, 10:15 PM
try version 1.0.5 in http://**********/clairvoyance/testing
need feedback from windows and android arm/x86 users before i put it in the repo
That worked for me. Using M8S ARM device (S812 chipset). Good work!
02-22-2016, 10:26 PM
After updating EPG updater to v1.0.5, I notice that I still have that message in the info section at the bottom of the EPG that states "If your [SIC] using Kodi and see this messge [SIC], your [SIC] using the wrong EPG. Go to **********"
I'm using Jarvis and the Stalker Client NFPS 1.0.3 EPG ARM version.
02-22-2016, 10:27 PM
thanks. can someone test windows
02-22-2016, 10:27 PM
After updating EPG updater to v1.0.5, I notice that I still have that message in the info section at the bottom of the EPG that states "If your [SIC] using Kodi and see this messge [SIC], your [SIC] using the wrong EPG. Go to **********"
I'm using Jarvis and the Stalker Client NFPS 1.0.3 EPG ARM version.
go to settings>tv>clear data and quit kodi before it finishes realoding
thanks. can someone test windows
Windows works well. Started up fine, with a present xmltv in both pvr.stalker and pvr.stalker.nfps userdata folders. Removed the files from both and restarted, no issue with pulling and expanding the guide into the folders.
Kodi 16.0 on Windows 10.
02-22-2016, 10:41 PM
go to settings>tv>clear data and quit kodi before it finishes realoding
Nice! Thanks! Great job! Thanks for all your hard work. Sincerely.
02-22-2016, 10:46 PM
Hello all :)
I simply can not get the epg updater to work. I always get stalker epg updater error after start up, and am still stuck with grey epg. I tried so many times in the last few days i had to wait 24 hours as papaio locked me out for searching my donation too many times. Frustrating. I just kept starting from scratch to see if it was something i missed. I'm stuck, I'm pretty sure I have read all the relevant information but am just stuck. I read in a guide that if i still have a grey epg to reset my mac, I have done that as well with no change.
I have a fresh install of kodi jarvis and running stalker.pvr.nfps. Have the **********/clairvoyance repo installed, and from there the epg updater. no matter what I always get a grey guide.
I read in the OP to pm psycon (
kodi log files. I will do that now.
02-22-2016, 11:26 PM
try version 1.0.5 in http://**********/clairvoyance/testing
need feedback from windows and android arm/x86 users before i put it in the repo
Noticed I missed reading the last page since last night after posting. This fixed all my issues! :) AWESOME
02-22-2016, 11:27 PM
Hello all :)
I simply can not get the epg updater to work. I always get stalker epg updater error after start up, and am still stuck with grey epg. I tried so many times in the last few days i had to wait 24 hours as papaio locked me out for searching my donation too many times. Frustrating. I just kept starting from scratch to see if it was something i missed. I'm stuck, I'm pretty sure I have read all the relevant information but am just stuck. I read in a guide that if i still have a grey epg to reset my mac, I have done that as well with no change.
I have a fresh install of kodi jarvis and running stalker.pvr.nfps. Have the **********/clairvoyance repo installed, and from there the epg updater. no matter what I always get a grey guide.
I read in the OP to pm psycon (
kodi log files. I will do that now.
what skin/build you using? as the coloured guide is also skin dependent, i'm running Aeon Nox - silvo mod and its not coloured - if i switch back to confluence - i see the coloured guide
02-22-2016, 11:41 PM
I was running stock skin confluence. Pretty much a fresh jarvis installed besides 1channel. The version 1.0.5 for testing fixed my problem.
Hank Venture
02-23-2016, 01:07 AM
Works perfect. Windows 10
02-23-2016, 03:22 AM
Great job psycon... Working perfectly on win10 kodi 16 using stock pvr.stalker.client
02-23-2016, 03:52 PM
i got the new updater and i don't get the error anymore... thanks a lot for the fast fix :) now one thing, the epg is still missing channel and in the descriptions of some channels ( mainly international )it says: " if you're using kodi and see this message, you're using the wrong epg. Go to **********.com"
Does it mean that it is still not getting the right epg?
02-23-2016, 10:45 PM
Also getting same "if your Seeing this message.." Jarvis 16 with pvr.stalker.nfps 1.03 and the 1.05 Test from Epg Ninja Tried deleting the xml and json files and clearing cache rebuild still same message. Windows 10
Also getting same "if your Seeing this message.." Jarvis 16 with pvr.stalker.nfps 1.03 and the 1.05 Test from Epg Ninja Tried deleting the xml and json files and clearing cache rebuild still same message. Windows 10
Make sure you have "XMLTV Only" selected as the scope, and Cache Guide Data is on. There might be a bug if you see that message, even after setting that scope, so that's why psycon asks you to send the debug log to pass on to dvbken... it could be that the client ignored the cached file and pulled the provider epg instead, or is overwriting the cached data.
02-23-2016, 11:07 PM
Total fresh Reinstall of Kodi including appdata, NFPS and EPG 1.05 seem to not get message anymore. Must have been some wee bug somewhere.
02-24-2016, 06:14 AM
Tizer, is the international section full now on your epg?
02-25-2016, 05:51 PM
Got it working great except for my guide is still off by 1 hour. I tried selecting the "-1 hour" in the settings but, this still does not fix the issue. Any suggestions?
02-25-2016, 06:09 PM
Same here...dleted xmltv file...set the -1 hour setting in epg config....deleted data, cleared cache...the whoe 9 yards.
-1 hr setting is enabled but not taking effect as the guide is still one hour ahead.
Kodi 15.2/Stalker 0.8.4/Minix Box
02-25-2016, 06:16 PM
does your epg tell you you are using the wrong one in all the listings
02-25-2016, 06:43 PM
Got the epg data back...had to restart my box though.
Thanks chief.
02-25-2016, 11:50 PM
Was wondering if anyone was having a problem with the live TV menu option disappearing when restarting koi? I have the newest version of the Clairvoyance skin and Kodi 16 so this would be the menu item once epg is enabled that would read IPTV. Everything is running correctly for a while and then once restarting Kodi the menu option disappears. Everything is pulling correctly and my service works great when the menu item is there to access it. I am using stalker nfps and using the newest build of Clairvoyance the epg update is baked in. Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: I have reinstalled kodi and Clairvoyance from the ground up and still running into this problem. Thanks for any help you all can give!
02-26-2016, 11:40 AM
Everything is working great with the guide i am well pleased with it. thank you for all your time and efforts on this.
02-26-2016, 11:44 PM
does your epg tell you you are using the wrong one in all the listings
I have the 1.0.5 epg ninja updater installed...checked the debug and one hoe check box...also, in my stalker client I have xmltv only....and whe the pvr starts says stalker can't load guide, and the procedes to load the guide....but, when i go to look at guide...nothing...I have the time of the updaters set for 15 minutes as to see if it changes anything
02-29-2016, 03:07 PM
Mine is the same loads no prob. have channels and almost all work , But unable to load guide , deleted the .xml cleared cache , cleared data everything I can think of
still no guide .
02-29-2016, 11:21 PM
Wow! This should be in section that shows how to set up stalker client. Tried for hours over several days to get info on guide. I am guessing it is a Jarvis issue. I am on 1.0.3 and I did not receive any errors.
03-01-2016, 08:16 PM
Same here...dleted xmltv file...set the -1 hour setting in epg config....deleted data, cleared cache...the whoe 9 yards.
-1 hr setting is enabled but not taking effect as the guide is still one hour ahead.
Kodi 15.2/Stalker 0.8.4/Minix Box
I had the same issue on my Minix. I deleted xmltv, set the -1 hour in the updater, cleared cache, deleted epg.db but didn't clear data as I don't want to have to go through and hide 1400 channels again...ever. Guide was off by an hour so I simply took the version 1.0.1 from my windows box and pasted it into the addons on the Minix, restarted and the guide was fully functional and times correct. (I had tried versions 1.0.4 and 1.0.5). So it's working for me this way and I won't be changing it.
I do appreciate having this guide, and the work that went into it... just don't understand why the service can't be standardized from NFPS; they don't seem to have any business sense at all!
03-02-2016, 12:38 AM
How the hell is it still working for some of yall?! I haven't watched the live tv in do I fix the damn dll error message
03-02-2016, 01:04 AM
How the hell is it still working for some of yall?! I haven't watched the live tv in do I fix the damn dll error message
udse built in stalker
03-02-2016, 02:28 PM
I'm running kodi 16 using the stalker client. everything is working and have the epg updater installed and local path to retrieve the epg xml file in the stalker client add-on. the guide works but its not in full colour how do i fix this?
I'm running kodi 16 using the stalker client. everything is working and have the epg updater installed and local path to retrieve the epg xml file in the stalker client add-on. the guide works but its not in full colour how do i fix this?
For Kodi 16, set Preference to "XMLTV Only", Cache Guide Data to "on" and time to 72 hours.
In XMLTV, set Scope to "Remote URL", and type a 1 in the Remote URL.
You don't need to set the local path to point to the file.
03-02-2016, 04:50 PM
I finally gave up on fixing the -1 hour off. I just cannot fix it at all, I tried everything. I just manually changed my time on my Shield. The time is wrong but the guide is right. I don't understand why there isn't a simple fix?
03-02-2016, 05:27 PM
For Kodi 16, set Preference to "XMLTV Only", Cache Guide Data to "on" and time to 72 hours.
In XMLTV, set Scope to "Remote URL", and type a 1 in the Remote URL.
You don't need to set the local path to point to the file.
thanks ill give this a try. so this should get the full coloured guide?
thanks ill give this a try. so this should get the full coloured guide?
It should, as long as you have the "epg updater service" properly installed. You may need to clear out the old cache file though, or wait until the service updates that file.
03-02-2016, 06:13 PM
It should, as long as you have the "epg updater service" properly installed. You may need to clear out the old cache file though, or wait until the service updates that file.
to properly install it i just installed it via the repo? how would i clear out the old cache file?
The file is in the userdata/addons_data/pvr.stalker folder.
You may need to read up on the location of the "special" directory by googling "userdata kodi"
Delete the file named epg_xmltv.xml. Best way to do this is through the file manager in Kodi, but some may not see "hidden files and directories" if not set in the Appearance Settings for your skin.
03-02-2016, 10:44 PM
The file is in the userdata/addons_data/pvr.stalker folder.
You may need to read up on the location of the "special" directory by googling "userdata kodi"
Delete the file named epg_xmltv.xml. Best way to do this is through the file manager in Kodi, but some may not see "hidden files and directories" if not set in the Appearance Settings for your skin.
I cleared the cache and set it to 72. It still doesn't give me the full coloured guide
In addition of getting rid of that file, you also have to do a "clear data" to get rid of the old data in the EPG database. In the TV settings, disable TV, clear data, shut down Kodi, then start up Kodi, then enable TV, and let us know if you get the color guide. I'm assuming that you had followed the instructions I posted earlier.
03-02-2016, 10:51 PM
This is directed to Psycon, but I don't have enough posts to message him. Sorry if this is not the correct place to post this.
I am using a MX3 box with a ****** donation for tv. When using the imbedded Stalker, with "preferred Provider" epg, Kodi16 locks up when the guide loading box gets to the end, stopping at TDN Mexico. This doesn't happen on the initial run, but happens on subsequent start-ups. Clearing the cache, and restarting Kodi gets it working. I tried using XTML and loading the long guide url address, which corrupted Kodi, requiring removal and reloading.
I tried using the NFPS Stalker version, with the ********** updater add-on, and see no difference from the "preferred Provider" epg, and Kodi still locks up at the end of the program guide load at TDN Mexico. I get the message at the bottom of the screen that if I am seeing this message, I'm using the wrong epg, and should go to **********. I see this same message at the bottom of Timeruuu's screen in his youtube tutorial. How do I get this to work?
Thanks Much for your attention.
03-02-2016, 11:05 PM
your box does not have enough ram, that is why it is crashing.. use XMLTV only.... not preferred provider..
use a more efficient skin like mimic or arctic zephyr.
end of the day, get a box with 2 gigs of ram and you wont have these issues
03-02-2016, 11:21 PM
In addition of getting rid of that file, you also have to do a "clear data" to get rid of the old data in the EPG database. In the TV settings, disable TV, clear data, shut down Kodi, then start up Kodi, then enable TV, and let us know if you get the color guide. I'm assuming that you had followed the instructions I posted earlier.
I disabled tv, cleared data. Closed kodi and deleted the epg xml file in the pvr.stalker folder. Relaunched kodi and enabled both stalker client and live tv. Not getting the coloured menu still
I disabled tv, cleared data. Closed kodi and deleted the epg xml file in the pvr.stalker folder. Relaunched kodi and enabled both stalker client and live tv. Not getting the coloured menu still
You may want to send psycon a debug log for this then. See the op for help with that.
03-03-2016, 12:18 AM
You may want to send psycon a debug log for this then. See the op for help with that.
How would I go about sending a debug log?
How would I go about sending a debug log?
First post in the thread.
03-03-2016, 12:30 AM
First post in the thread.
Send him a debug log of the stalker client or the epg updater addon?
03-03-2016, 12:32 AM
Thanks Much for your quick response. I was suspicious of that. I have other MX3's with 2gb of RAM, that I haven't tried yet. I wanted to get this one up and running first. My MX3's running Kodi 15.2 with "preferred Provider" guide don't have this locking up issue. Where do I find the alternative skins that you suggest?
One can spend hours each day studying this technology and still only scratch the surface! Good thing I'm retired, because for the last few days I have spent so much time studying this stuff that I can't even get household chores done around here! I'll give your Clairvoyant build a try as soon as I get ready to get into it. Thanks again for your quick response. I really appreciate it.
Send him a debug log of the stalker client or the epg updater addon?
Either. If you have the settings correct, you should be getting the color guide. One other thing, you can try setting the cache length to 24, which is a smaller guide, only titles and english only, and see if you can get color.
03-03-2016, 12:35 AM
Either. If you have the settings correct, you should be getting the color guide. One other thing, you can try setting the cache length to 24, which is a smaller guide, only titles and english only, and see if you can get color.
I'll give that a try before I enable debugging on kodi
03-03-2016, 01:01 AM
your box does not have enough ram, that is why it is crashing.. use XMLTV only.... not preferred provider..
use a more efficient skin like mimic or arctic zephyr.
end of the day, get a box with 2 gigs of ram and you wont have these issues
Are you able to help with my situation. I have done all the steps Dara has recommended and still not having a full coloured guide
03-03-2016, 01:54 AM
you have it set to provider preferred.. that is why you are not getting the color guide.. that is why your low ram device is crashing. i believe i already said that
03-03-2016, 02:04 AM
you have it set to provider preferred.. that is why you are not getting the color guide.. that is why your low ram device is crashing. i believe i already said that
I'll give that a try. My android box has 2GB of ram
03-03-2016, 10:44 AM
you have it set to provider preferred.. that is why you are not getting the color guide.. that is why your low ram device is crashing. i believe i already said that
I've it to preferred. And deleted the epg xml file, clear data still not getting the full color guide
You need to set it to "XMLTV only" and as before delete the epg.xml file and clear data.
03-03-2016, 02:59 PM
You need to set it to "XMLTV only" and as before delete the epg.xml file and clear data.
I just tried that. Set it to xmltv only cache to 24. Disabled live to cleared data on guide. Deleted the epg file relaunched kodi enabled stalker client and live tv. Still no full coloured menu. I'm running a tronsmart vega s95
What skin are you using? If worse comes to worse, send Psycon a debug log. He'll be able to determine what's going on.
03-03-2016, 03:19 PM
What skin are you using? If worse comes to worse, send Psycon a debug log. He'll be able to determine what's going on.
I'm usin aeon nox. I've got my debug just not sure how to send him it
Just paste the results into a PM to him. The log is a text file so it is a simple copy & paste.
03-03-2016, 03:36 PM
i just tried, my log file is 17000 letters and only 5000 is the max.
03-03-2016, 04:22 PM
eeek no.. my eyes are bleeding.. paste it to pastebin and send me the link... or jsut use the kodi log uploader addon and send me the link it generates so much easier
03-03-2016, 04:31 PM
I've sent you a pastebin link. The kodi uploader is currently down
crazed 9.6
03-03-2016, 06:17 PM
eeek no.. my eyes are bleeding..
lol, ooops... :)
I disabled tv, cleared data. Closed kodi and deleted the epg xml file in the pvr.stalker folder. Relaunched kodi and enabled both stalker client and live tv. Not getting the coloured menu still
What skin are you using, aeon nox? Latest version doesn't support colours in kodi 16.
Unless Psycon finds something to the contrary, it does sound like the skin may be at issue. If you're set to XMLTV only, you don't see "you're using the wrong epg" in the information area, the correct epg is loading but the skin is not supporting colors.
03-03-2016, 07:06 PM
I've sent you a pastebin link. The kodi uploader is currently down
you need to install the epg updater addon dude, you dont have it installed
03-03-2016, 07:17 PM
you need to install the epg updater addon dude, you dont have it installed
http://**********/clairvoyance/repository.**********.zip. this addon? I've installed it since and tried the steps again still no coloured guide. I can send another log
03-03-2016, 07:26 PM
that is the repo, where you get the stalker updater addon from.. you need to install the epg updater addon from that repo still
03-03-2016, 07:38 PM
I sent you an updated log. When I open kodi I get a msg saying epg updater has been updated next update...
03-03-2016, 10:09 PM
your only sending me a part of our log file... i need to be able to see your donation number, mac, urls u are using, what plugins are loading,, the WHOLE debug log file file. also, you have to go into setting of the epg updater addon and put debug mode on as well
03-03-2016, 11:01 PM
your only sending me a part of our log file... i need to be able to see your donation number, mac, urls u are using, what plugins are loading,, the WHOLE debug log file file. also, you have to go into setting of the epg updater addon and put debug mode on as well
Ive sent you a link from the kodi uploader. It worked once after many attempts
Psycon: In the end, if you can't find anything, note that Tech Timeruuu is using the aeon nox skin with Kodi 16 in his latest video, and the guide does not show any color.
Check at 7:25...
03-04-2016, 09:25 AM
installed the epg updater m8 version 1.0.5 loads up with exception of a few channels that are blank and i do get an error now and then saying cant load channels but they acually do load in and work
03-04-2016, 07:09 PM
Psycon: In the end, if you can't find anything, note that Tech Timeruuu is using the aeon nox skin with Kodi 16 in his latest video, and the guide does not show any color.
Check at 7:25...
Aeon Nox & slivo Mod both do not show any coloured guide
I think this maybe down to the LiveTV mod for PVR that is in the skin.
03-05-2016, 10:58 PM
Thanks for the great info. My guide is up and running as advertised.
03-13-2016, 02:28 AM
Thanks for the great info. My guide is up and running as advertised.
Is it still working as of today? Mine isn't, been like that for about 5 days now.
04-05-2016, 06:43 PM
The EPG updater has been updated to 1.0.12
setup pvr simple - if available
setup pvr stalker with donation#,mac, local guide path
change schedule download to random time
change icon
change download path for xml gudie to special://temp - and configurable
This new version not only updates your EPG.. but it actually sets up your client for you in a much easier way.... you MUST go into the addon and add your mac/donation, and choose your portal.. you no longer have to configure pvr.stalker or iptv simple papiao, at all... all settings are done within the epg updater... jsut go choose which one you want to use and ensure that addon is enabled..
Clear data after installing this or changing settings..
04-05-2016, 06:57 PM
Where can I get the latest? I tried from the repo and it still shows as version 1.0.0
Thanks psycon! This will definitely help our members!
Where can I get the latest? I tried from the repo and it still shows as version 1.0.0
Force refresh, or in Kodi 16, 'Check for Updates' on the left menu drawer in the addons browser.
04-05-2016, 07:41 PM
Just checked and still shows up as ver 1.0.0? Is the repo source still epgninja\clairvoiance? - Figured it out! Thanks
04-06-2016, 12:26 AM
Update showed up after I reinstalled the repo. Thanks great addon helped me get back online.
04-07-2016, 09:18 PM
my stalker epg updater still isn't working. I have kodi 16 nfps working on the build in pvr client. Can someone give me a hand? I get the "next update" notification but then I get "Stalker client unable to load guide." I am only getting a few channels with guide info. no colors.
04-08-2016, 03:01 AM
Hello Again Friends:
I noticed yesterday that my EPG guide was no longer working (no longer filling in), and then again today. I knew the right place to come was here. :)
I'm using the Stalker PVR Client v1.0.8 (on KODI v16 released), configured the previous way -- where one manually enters everything in the configuration form (everything).
Everything works (as it has for months) except for the program guide which, again, is not filling in with content as of yesterday. Here are my current settings for that (again all manually entered by me months ago):
Preference = Prefer XMLTV
Cache Guide Date = Enabled
Cache Time (hours) = 24
Scope = Remote URL
Remote URL = http://**********/NFPSF.xml
Now, in reading this forum this evening (in an attempt to fix my issue), I have installed and enabled the Stalker EPG Updater. I have also looked at videos and read a few posts, but I can't quite figure out how to either (1) manually re-edit my Stalker PVR Client settings (above) to use the new Stalker EPG Updater service and/or (2) configure the Stalker EPG Updater to have it modify the Stalker PVR Client settings.
I haven't found the missing piece, which would sound something like this:
Now that you have installed and enabled the Stalker EPG Updater service, you have to re-edit your (previously working) Stalker PVR Client to use that. Here is how to do that...
Can anyone help me with that? Sorry if it exists already (what I read didn't quite get there for me). I just want to edit my Stalker PVR Client settings (above) to use the Stalker EPG updater.
Thank you much in advance! :)
devnull, please read this thread
04-08-2016, 04:37 AM
@dara thank you as always. Yeah, indeed I read that and tried some of the things there, but unfortunately with no luck (not filling in). The problem is that it's unclear which addon the description is referring to since it mentions settings that are common to both; and one setting that I don't see in either addon (that's probably just a typo or something, it's so quickly written. :))
Not that I want to be fed by spoon or anything like that (and I totally get the cryptic-ness of it all), but I wonder if a "key=value" approach (like what I kind of did above) may be useful for both addons, as it relates to setting things up for this new EPG system.
I'll look more through. Perhaps later in the things get clearer.
The key is to find out where the uploader service is expanding the xmltv file. You can set that location in the latest version of the updater.
04-08-2016, 08:47 PM
Do you mean, for example, 'special://temp'. That is the default value set in the updater; and so in the Stalker PVR Client, I tried changing from the www-based URL shown above (in my original post) to this special URI. Is this not correct?
Do I need to change both sides to, say, file:///path/to/some/file.xml (where I explicitly choose both the file directory and the file name). And, if yes, is the leading 'file:///' also necessary, or just a single '/'?
Is this what we're talking about?
04-08-2016, 10:34 PM
Do you mean, for example, 'special://temp'. That is the default value set in the updater; and so in the Stalker PVR Client, I tried changing from the www-based URL shown above (in my original post) to this special URI. Is this not correct?
Do I need to change both sides to, say, file:///path/to/some/file.xml (where I explicitly choose both the file directory and the file name). And, if yes, is the leading 'file:///' also necessary, or just a single '/'?
Is this what we're talking about?
I think I understand things better now, after grappling. Some follow-up questions to come (to tightens things up a bit). Thanks!
04-08-2016, 11:53 PM
So I configured the Stalker EPG Updater AddOn with all of my personal settings (00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx MAC, Donation #, etc.); then removed the Stalker PVR Client settings.xml (actually, I simply did a "mv(1) ./settings.xml ./SAVED.settings.xml") to allow this new updater gadget to do it's thing and generate one; I cleared all caches; and now when I start KODI, the Stalker PVR Client immediately comes back with:
Stalker Client Authentication failed: Retrying. (it tries twice and gives up).,
Of course I tried to troubleshoot and fix things as follows (in each case, disabling TV; Clearing Caches; Restarting KODI; etc.) -- but none worked:
(Attempt-1) I noticed the UPDATER applies its own (long) HEX strings for device_id, device_id2, signature and serial_number. So, hypothesizing that the authentication server may want my original 13-digit versions (the ones we were told to generated months ago), I tried substituting those back in. Doing this didn't fix anything.
(Attempt-2) Next, I noticed that the UPDATER uses (i.e. it attaches a trailing index.html, which we were told not to do several months ago). So again, hypothesizing/hoping that this may be the issue, I tried substituting in the original value: (i.e. without the trailing index.html) Doing this didn't fix anything.
(Attempt-3) Next, I increased the timeout value in the General section from 5 (=25 secs) to 15 (=75 secs). Doing this didn't fix anything.
I don't understand why revisiting this Auth issue? This was all working fine for months. And I'm pretty good with this stuff. I'm on Fedora Linux, so using vi(1), xmllint(1), diff(1) (etc.) on the settings.xml file, I ensure uniformity; ensure well-formedness; ensure no extra leading/trailing spaces; ensure that all PORTALS are 100% identical; etc.
Any ideas? Thanks.
04-09-2016, 12:31 AM
So I configured the Stalker EPG Updater AddOn with all of my personal settings (00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx MAC, Donation #, etc.); then removed the Stalker PVR Client settings.xml (actually, I simply did a "mv(1) ./settings.xml ./SAVED.settings.xml") to allow this new updater gadget to do it's thing and generate one; I cleared all caches; and now when I start KODI, the Stalker PVR Client immediately comes back with:
Stalker Client Authentication failed: Retrying. (it tries twice and gives up).,
Of course I tried to troubleshoot and fix things as follows (in each case, disabling TV; Clearing Caches; Restarting KODI; etc.) -- but none worked:
(Attempt-1) I noticed the UPDATER applies its own (long) HEX strings for device_id, device_id2, signature and serial_number. So, hypothesizing that the authentication server may want my original 13-digit versions (the ones we were told to generated months ago), I tried substituting those back in. Doing this didn't fix anything.
(Attempt-2) Next, I noticed that the UPDATER uses (i.e. it attaches a trailing index.html, which we were told not to do several months ago). So again, hypothesizing/hoping that this may be the issue, I tried substituting in the original value: (i.e. without the trailing index.html) Doing this didn't fix anything.
(Attempt-3) Next, I increased the timeout value in the General section from 5 (=25 secs) to 15 (=75 secs). Doing this didn't fix anything.
I don't understand why revisiting this Auth issue? This was all working fine for months. And I'm pretty good with this stuff. I'm on Fedora Linux, so using vi(1), xmllint(1), diff(1) (etc.) on the settings.xml file, I ensure uniformity; ensure well-formedness; ensure no extra leading/trailing spaces; ensure that all PORTALS are 100% identical; etc.
Any ideas? Thanks.
P.S. I forgot to mention that -- above -- I also logged onto and performed a "IPTV Reset" operation.
04-09-2016, 01:25 AM
Hey, of you like the ********** xml file, dont forget to throw a little love our way with the donate button on Http://**********
Install the ********** repo from http://********** then install the epg updater service addon from the repo and restart kodi
This service addon will update your epg cache or local file independantly of which stalker client you use.. it works for both pvr.stalker and pvr.stalker.nfps
Note.. Windows users will get a error with the current version.. Windows users (or any users really) need to get version 1.0.5 from **********/clairvoyance/testing.. no need to other users to manually install this, it will update itself when we add it to the repo.
for instructions see the appropriate how to threads
If you already have stalker installed and working, check out this video walkthrough
If you get any errors the only way I can help debug is if you send me a log file - Google how to do so if you dont know how to run on debugging
go into the plugins configuration screen and you can turn on debugging then turn on kodis debug logging
restart kodi
then use the kodi log uploder (install it if you dont have it) and PM me a link to your logfile.
Good day mr psycon i am using pvr stalker client the built in version i have noticed that the repo epg ninja clairvoyance in the testing section doesn't have a windows 32 version just a mac version i keep getting on my windows device by the way i se jarvis 16 guide can not load some have the guide the others don't and i have noticed that the epg updater isn't 105 its been days and it hasn't updated do we have to wait till you update it for windows ?? good day to you mr psycon hope you have a nice day .
04-09-2016, 01:28 AM
Sigh.... A real dev could sort this out easy, so first off having dev.null as your handle is misleading. Lol now that I got that off my chest.... You are over thinking. Start from step one... READ THE STICKY THREADS IN PVR SECTION AGAIN.
Manually setup stalker pvr client yourself. Do a iptv reset and load channels up. Once you can connect then worry about epg. The .xml for the epg is in kodis cache folder.
Hope you already are sorted out. If not READ the forums more. Everything has been answered over and over. Cheers! :-)
04-09-2016, 01:30 AM
Good day mr psycon i am using pvr stalker client the built in version i have noticed that the repo epg ninja clairvoyance in the testing section doesn't have a windows 32 version just a mac version i keep getting on my windows device by the way i se jarvis 16 guide can not load some have the guide the others don't and i have noticed that the epg updater isn't 105 its been days and it hasn't updated do we have to wait till you update it for windows ?? good day to you mr psycon hope you have a nice day .
Everything is up to date on Windows. Force refresh updates maybe?
04-09-2016, 02:33 AM
Sigh.... A real dev could sort this out easy, so first off having dev.null as your handle is misleading. Lol now that I got that off my chest.... You are over thinking. Start from step one... READ THE STICKY THREADS IN PVR SECTION AGAIN.
Manually setup stalker pvr client yourself. Do a iptv reset and load channels up. Once you can connect then worry about epg. The .xml for the epg is in kodis cache folder.
Hope you already are sorted out. If not READ the forums more. Everything has been answered over and over. Cheers! :-)
Handle misleading? Don't let me school you. :)
Anyway thanks, but I figured out the issue. The Updater Service, as it's writing out Portal-1, doesn't respect the timezone setting, and simply sets it back to 'Europe/Kiev'. The tool doesn't have an option to set this. I don't know what, if any, effect the timezone setting ever had, but I always change it to my own. This, of course, is before you know that the "Configure PVR Stalker" option is going to clobber your portal-1 (and before you get to @dara's post about disabling it). And it certainly sounds reasonable to enable it, so you do. I mean, hey, who doesn't want this tool to be "Configured to work with your PVR Stalker". Anyway, after next performing the IPTV Reset operation and THEN eventually spotting/recognizing that the timezone isn't what it was -- so you correct it -- that's when the problem arose.
After reverting back to "Europe/Kiev", authorization succeeded (who knew that the server recorded the timezone value as part of its fingerprint).
Anyway, I suspect that changing it back to my own timezone (I'd do this with vi(1) with KODI shut down); and performing another IPTV Reset operation; and starting KODI would work to get it back to my own timezone. But -- as I have exhausted my daily allotment of logins troubleshooting this issue -- I won't know until tomorrow. :)
Be well!
04-09-2016, 10:32 PM
I noticed in order to get channels back you will need to erase channel data any help would be appreciated.
04-10-2016, 12:39 AM
Good day mr psycon i am using pvr stalker client the built in version i have noticed that the repo epg ninja clairvoyance in the testing section doesn't have a windows 32 version just a mac version i keep getting on my windows device by the way i se jarvis 16 guide can not load some have the guide the others don't and i have noticed that the epg updater isn't 105 its been days and it hasn't updated do we have to wait till you update it for windows ?? good day to you mr psycon hope you have a nice day .
Just thought I would jump in here to help... I have a windows box also and running jarvis. If you go into your addons and select to install from repository and look in the **********, then select services, you will find version 1.0.16. It's working fine for me. I did have an issue with the guide being 1 hour behind again (after being perfect for a long while) but I simply read what the addon was doing and manually extracted the epg2 file (it has the 1 hour offset) and copied that file into the directory where I have the pvr looking for the epg.
Hope that helps.
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