View Full Version : How-To: Set up Kodi's included pvr.stalker client with **********
01-30-2016, 07:23 PM
You dont touch pvr.stalkers settings.. instead you install and configure the epg updater addon from the ********** repo
1. install the epg updater service addon from the ********** repo at http://**********
2. Configure the service.stalkerEPGUpdater addon with your donation number, MAC, and choose your iptv port as shown on papiao or 66, and do an iptv reset on the site
3. Enable "configure pvr stalker"
4. go to settings >TV > Clear data, and restart Kodi
5. go to settings > TV and choose enable. if it says no pvr addon enabled, enable "stalker client"
6. thats it, your channels should be loading.
If your pvr.stalker is already configured. ensure you change the epg location to special://temp/epg_xmltv.xml . you can also set a custom download path in the epg updater addon to use a folder of your choosing but the filename will be the same epg_xmltv.xml
02-01-2016, 07:03 PM
I'm running Kodi 16.0 RC 2. Everything is running ok with the pre installed pvr. But I notice if I leave the settings to XMLTV Only I get an error "Can't Load Guide" If I change it to Prefer XMLTV it'll load. But it won't load the full color guide and I'm not able to switch channels using the EPG. I can switch just fine on the channel list but no go on EPG. Also I've double checked my guide URL to make sure all is input properly and all looks to be in place. Also I've tried using the nfps stalker client and none of them will load. The arm version j installs, but won't start. Same with I686 version j . Any input would be helpful. Thanks
02-01-2016, 07:13 PM
probably have a typo in you epg url...
use xmltv only
where your donation from,it make a difference as to which url u use.
02-01-2016, 07:15 PM
rocket uses papiao one,change NFPSF1 to whatever epg you want.
02-01-2016, 07:35 PM
Thanks for this clear and easy to understand guide. The only confusion I have is with regards to the XMLTV - Scope - Remote URL field. Do we replace the xxxxxxx after '/donation/' with our own donation no? For example, lets say these were my credentials (fictitious):
Mac address: 00:1A:78:12:3A:4B
Donation No: 123456789876
Would this URL be correct for NFPS?
I have tried it with this formula but I get 'Unable to load Guide' error.
02-01-2016, 07:38 PM
u have it correct
02-01-2016, 07:44 PM
I don't see any error in my URL. My donation is from papiao. I've got the same setup on another box running 15.2 with no issues. I'm at a loss as to why I can't load either nfps stalker clients. The only one I can get to work is the pre installed one. But still no EPG. If I change back to xmltv only I get cant load error still and no guide at all.
02-01-2016, 07:58 PM
u have it correct
Thanks for confirming Blackbear. Like MasonStorm45 i'm also having problems with the XML TV guide loading. I get "Unable to load Guide." error. Have tried disabling Live TV and deleting the folllowing files:
cache_xmltv.xml in addon_data/pvr.stalker
All the tv.db and epg.db files in /Databases
Have made sure I cleared all Live TV data and restarted Kodi then Re-enabled PVR Stalker and Live TV. Still getting "Unable to load Guide." :(
Would appreciate any help.
02-01-2016, 08:03 PM
put kodi in debg and look in your log file for the papaio link and go to it in a browser, it will either download, or you will get an error message
02-01-2016, 08:20 PM
put kodi in debg and look in your log file for the papaio link and go to it in a browser, it will either download, or you will get an error message
If the papiao link you are referring to is the same as the one that should be in this format:
then the link does not work. What could be wrong? I've made sure the format of the URL is correct and Blackbear confirmed this is correct earlier in this thread. :/
The debug log just appends the following onto the above URL:
|User-Agent=Mozilla%2f5.0%20%28QtEmbedded%3b%20U%3b%20Li nux%3b%20C%29%20AppleWebKit%2f533.3%20%28KHTML%2c% 20like%20Gecko%29%20MAG200%20stbapp%20ver%3a%202%2 0rev%3a%20250%20Safari%2f533.3&Connection-Timeout=15
02-01-2016, 08:40 PM
OK, I have found the source of the problem after some meticulous examination :D
There is a typo in the URL given in the guide above.
The URL should be and not
Please update the original post to prevent further confusion by members.
02-01-2016, 08:51 PM
oops. done
bill mcgoo
02-01-2016, 08:53 PM
eh guys new at this have my mac addy and that is this set up for that i have android m5
02-01-2016, 09:14 PM
Has anyone been able to get the NFPS stalker client to work at all? Is anyone else having issues with switching channels within the pre installed client?
02-01-2016, 09:15 PM
No. That's not the issue. I caught the type o right away. Makes no difference.
Has anyone been able to get the NFPS stalker client to work at all? Is anyone else having issues with switching channels within the pre installed client?
I haven't had any issue with the preinstalled client, other than no color in the guide (extremely minor issue). You do need to set up the serial number, device ids and signature. Follow the instructions explicitly.
02-01-2016, 09:31 PM
Yea no issues getting it to work Just no color in the guide and not able to switch channels in the EPG. I can switch using the channel list though.
Yea no issues getting it to work Just no color in the guide and not able to switch channels in the EPG. I can switch using the channel list though.
To switch channels in the guide, you click switch when you get the description, or you can set up the default selection action in the TV settings>Guide to "Switch to channel"
02-01-2016, 09:35 PM
i am unable to load guide and fail to get stream url
02-01-2016, 09:38 PM
Yes I'm aware of how it works when you open the description. When I open the EPG and click on the channel. The program window isn't opening to give me the option to switch the channel
02-01-2016, 09:44 PM
OK got the channel switching issue sorted. Now for color EPG
02-01-2016, 09:46 PM
mason. thats a skin issue.. your skin isnt showing the details window.. you need to go into settings>guide and change the select action to "switch to channel" so it bypasses the details window all together.
02-01-2016, 09:48 PM
no color= you probably left it server preferred and not xmltv only or have a typo in your epg url.... (go to your epg url in a web browser to see if it works, it will either download a guide file, or give you an error)
go to settings>tv>clear data and restart kodi whenever making a change
02-01-2016, 09:49 PM
Thank you psycon. I found it.
02-01-2016, 09:52 PM
Here's the error I'm getting when typing in my URL in a browser
Invalid Authentication Details, please verify Donation or MAC Address!
02-01-2016, 10:00 PM
do what the error says..
ensure you typed it in properly without a typo. pm me the link if u cant fix it
02-01-2016, 10:01 PM
psycon, I have 2 devices and 2 MAC's and donations and I've got no problem running stalker client nfps but my question is if I have Kodi 15.2 and I have "stalker client 0.8.4" or do i need 1.0.3? If so, where can i find the StalkerClient 1.0.3 for my Kodi 15.2 (I'm running Nvidia Shield).
02-01-2016, 10:19 PM
Tech Timeruuu made a great walkthrough on all the steps check it out, link in the OP
02-01-2016, 10:19 PM
Aaaahhhh I transposed two donation numbers. thank you all!!!!! Go figure. I'm the guy telling everyone to watch that.
02-01-2016, 10:31 PM
Tech Timeruuu made a great walkthrough on all the steps check it out, link in the OP
I watched the video and I have 15.2 KODI and StalkerClient 0.8.4. Will that work with his video? He's using 1.0.3 stalker client on KODI 16 but he says it will work on 15.2 but I can't find StalkerClient 1.0.3
02-01-2016, 10:32 PM
Tech Timeruuu made a great walkthrough on all the steps check it out, link in the OP
You know I'm going to review Clairvoyant now haha
You know I'm going to review Clairvoyant now haha
Be nice! LOL!
02-01-2016, 10:53 PM
Let us know if you find the stalker client 1.0.3 for Kodi 15.2.
02-01-2016, 11:00 PM
rocket uses papiao one,change NFPSF1 to whatever epg you want.
The iks66 should be iptv66
02-01-2016, 11:10 PM
Got everything working fine except my guide is out by 1 hour?
I have changed my time zone to Europe/London
But still out.
Please let me know.
Thanks guys.
02-01-2016, 11:18 PM
hi, i configured it and got it working but guide not loading and i dont get any error msg any suggestion?
nvidia shield/ kodi 15.2 / stalker 0.8.4
02-01-2016, 11:57 PM
latest build for 15.2 is 0.8.4 steps are the same
02-02-2016, 01:33 AM
Let us know if you find the stalker client 1.0.3 for Kodi 15.2.
what psycon said above. I case you left googles off. it will never hurt to try either if you open it up you will see a very strong resemblance. :)
02-02-2016, 03:03 AM
updated OP.. set timeout to 120 to get back on.
02-02-2016, 03:19 AM
Hey all, I'm currently using kodi 15.2 with stalker client 084. channels work fine but in the guide all I get is "no information available".
I followed the guide but it still doesn't work. I think it's because I don't have the correct version of the stalker client. if so which version do I need? I see 4 of them for an android. I have a tronsmart androind box. DoI need i, j, arm or 686? Thank you.
02-02-2016, 03:20 AM
its likely an arm box.. but google can answer that question for you.
02-02-2016, 05:53 AM
I figured it out. Under SETTINGS-PVR SERVICES-GUIDE go to CLEAR DATA and select YES
Then it will say Unable to load Channels. Don't worry!!
Go back and deselect ENABLE then ENABLE again and everything will come back. You will have CHANNELS & GUIDE!!
02-02-2016, 05:54 AM
Hey all, I'm currently using kodi 15.2 with stalker client 084. channels work fine but in the guide all I get is "no information available".
I followed the guide but it still doesn't work. I think it's because I don't have the correct version of the stalker client. if so which version do I need? I see 4 of them for an android. I have a tronsmart androind box. DoI need i, j, arm or 686? Thank you.
Stavman, see my post directly above this. I had same issue and figured it out.
02-02-2016, 03:07 PM
Awesome.. Great Job i loved.... simple.. without doubt one of the best
02-02-2016, 10:34 PM
I figured it out. Under SETTINGS-PVR SERVICES-GUIDE go to CLEAR DATA and select YES
Then it will say Unable to load Channels. Don't worry!!
Go back and deselect ENABLE then ENABLE again and everything will come back. You will have CHANNELS & GUIDE!!
Im Running Jarvis 16 RC2 With stock Kodi, i dont see a setting for PVR Services.....?
02-02-2016, 10:58 PM
Here's the error I'm getting when typing in my URL in a browser
Invalid Authentication Details, please verify Donation or MAC Address!
Mine is saying:
Temprary Unavialable
02-03-2016, 02:22 PM
Mine is saying:
Temprary Unavialable
Mine is saying the same thing and the guide is unable to load. Tried deleting suggested files in userdata and addon_data but didn't change anything. Using Jarvis RC2 and pvr.stalker 1.03.
02-03-2016, 04:11 PM
Im Running Jarvis 16 RC2 With stock Kodi, i dont see a setting for PVR Services.....?
system->addons->my addons->pvr addons
02-03-2016, 10:43 PM
On the guide, I hope it's ok to say this, in the meantime of the stalker guide being down, you can use ivue2 guide and there is an option to use the Sc (Stalker Client) for each channel stream. Just hit save on that stream.
02-04-2016, 02:57 PM
Still, same for me. I got the guide on the 1st, but it's been down ever since. I regret clearing my cache now.
Is it truly down or are we the only ones?
02-04-2016, 03:21 PM
Still, same for me. I got the guide on the 1st, but it's been down ever since. I regret clearing my cache now.
Is it truly down or are we the only ones?
psycon said the xml guide was down and I don't know if it's back. I'm worried about deleting all the files suggested or not.
02-04-2016, 03:41 PM
psycon said the xml guide was down and I don't know if it's back. I'm worried about deleting all the files suggested or not.
Don't do it!! You'll never have the colorful, accurate guide again!! JK.
02-04-2016, 06:13 PM
Mine is saying:
Temprary Unavialable
Same for me. I tried with NFPS and a brand-new IKS66 donation. Both throw the same error on a computer browser. This is baaaad... No one is talking to us - at least not where I can see...
02-04-2016, 06:20 PM
Same for me. I tried with NFPS and a brand-new IKS66 donation. Both throw the same error on a computer browser. This is baaaad... No one is talking to us - at least not where I can see...
It is bad because the information isn't being given clearly. From this link, it should be back up yesterday:
If it's back up, it's not working for us...
02-04-2016, 06:24 PM
Now i keep getting Stalker Client Authentication Failed and then it times out and then tries again and then nothing happens after that. Ive went through everything and double checked even changed my MAC address and same thing..any ideas?
02-04-2016, 06:45 PM
same problem here. pvr.stalker or pvr.stalk nfps. both have same error. authentication failed. retrying
02-04-2016, 06:47 PM
URL to the guide when inputting into a web browser says temporary unavailable still. One of my shields is still running a color guide but it's old and not updating. Hope they get it fixed soon.
02-04-2016, 07:03 PM
URL to the guide when inputting into a web browser says temporary unavailable still. One of my shields is still running a color guide but it's old and not updating. Hope they get it fixed soon.
Hi, i just got a shield and am using the built in stalker client and its not working for me. I tried the other stalker clients from epgninjas website but none would work, what is working for you.
02-04-2016, 08:12 PM
Following. I think maybe the stalker client is down. To many problems for a lot of peeps
02-04-2016, 10:26 PM
I just found out if you change your 78 in your MAC to 79 the channels will load again. Dont know why but it works!
02-04-2016, 10:35 PM
as far as epg... might be back up today.. they are dealing with other priorites currently and when done will turn the url back on, .... use server epg for now.
02-04-2016, 10:38 PM
Doesn't work.
02-04-2016, 10:47 PM
as far as epg... might be back up today.. they are dealing with other priorites currently and when done will turn the url back on, .... use server epg for now.
provider epg is 1 hour ahead for me... hopefully ********** stealthily and sneakily gets it going today!
02-04-2016, 11:02 PM
nope im still get authentication fail now just going to let the box sit
02-05-2016, 12:32 AM
so the epg is down guess that's why I am not getting any channel info lol
02-05-2016, 03:35 AM
We recommend you use pvr.stalker.nfps instead and follow this much easier guide
However, If you cannot get that to work, then you can use the version that is already included with kodi, here is what you need to do;
If coming from another device or plugin such as IPTV stalker you must first go reset your mac on papiao or the iptv66 site.
1) In Kodi, from the Main Page, Select System > Add-ons > My add-ons > PVR clients
2) Look for Stalker Client, and Click to bring up Add-on information, click on Configure and select General
3) Connection Timeout set to 120 - (We will use Portal 1)
4) MAC Address, enter your MAC that has been linked to your donation. Your linked mac is 00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx , where the x's are Hex digits (0-9, A-F). The colons are required, and there is no letter 'oh'
5) Server Address, enter your correct server as follows;
IPTV66 -
6) Login and Password is your Donation number
7) Guide Preference - XMLTV only (XMLTV Preferred,also work but takes much longer to load)
8) Enable "Cache Guide Data" and set Cache time to 12 hours if your using the 24 hour pull, and 24 hours if your using the 72 hour pull
9) XMLTV - Scope - Remote URL and enter one of the following (filling in your mac and donation number of course)
NFPS or ROCKET :<guide>
Replace "<guide>" with the following (EG: .....xxxxx/fname/NFPSF4)
NFPSF1 - English (Low memory Devices)
NFPSF2 - English, non DST (Low memory devices)
NFPSF3 - Full (Colorful Guide and all channel info)
NFPSF4 - Full, non DST (Colorful Guide and all channel info)
10) Advanced - Use Alphanumeric combos for Serial Number (12-13 characters) , Device IDs (5-6 characters) and Signature (5-6 characters)
11) Click OK to save your settings. Click on Enable to enable the client.
12) Navigate back to the Kodi Main Window, select System > Live TV > General
13) Select Enable, might get a 'Load of channels' error, Disable/Enable again, leave it for a minute then it should start loading/download the guide
For a video walkthrough on how to set this up see Tech Timeruuu's vid
Q. Help! I cant get it working at all or my guide is not in color.
A.1 You made a typo. erase everything and start over.
A.2 You left it set to "provider only" or "provider preferred" it should be "XMLTV only" for best performance
A.3 If neither A1 or A2 are true and everything is in right. go change your mac on Papiao, and start over.
Q. HELP!!! i have tried everything above and it still will not work.
A. {
1. Put Kodi in debug mode. (google it)
2. install the "Kodi log uploader" program plugin from the kodi repo
3. restart Kodi and run the log uploader
4. pm me the link to your log file. (this log file contains login details, do not post on the forum)}
worked for me thanks, now I'm happy
02-05-2016, 07:03 AM
I have watched the video followed everything to a t and still the guid dose not load? I tried Nfpsf1 2 3 4 nothing works I really don't know what I am doing wrong?
02-05-2016, 07:39 AM
it just say unable to load guide if someone can help me I will paypal them $10 I am serious I really have tried 20 times reset and started again and again . What am I missing here I am doing this on 16RC3 ? I have check the everything 100 times everything is put in correctly I just don't get it?
02-05-2016, 10:14 AM
After reading, i understand the guide is down, however i am still getting auth error still...i was under the impression the server was no longer in maintenance? Or was i wrong?
02-05-2016, 02:35 PM
Make sure your Mac begins with 00:1A:78 not 00:1A:79
02-05-2016, 02:38 PM
it just say unable to load guide if someone can help me I will paypal them $10 I am serious I really have tried 20 times reset and started again and again . What am I missing here I am doing this on 16RC3 ? I have check the everything 100 times everything is put in correctly I just don't get it?
Make sure your Mac begins with 00:1A:78 not 00:1A:79
02-05-2016, 03:08 PM
There is definitely a lot of misinformation floating around. Just because you have a guide does not mean that it's the correct guide. There are 2 guides!
1. Provider - This guide is not as good as the xmltv guide. This guide may be off by 1 hour, like it is for me. This guide does not have programming information for all channels and is not "colorful" when viewing GUIDE from the TV section.
2. XMLTV - This guide has much more flexibility and is "colorful." Just all around better.
Just because you have a guide does not mean you're getting the correct guide. It is my understanding that the pvr.stalker.nfps addon does make it easier and you will get a guide. What everyone using pvr.stalker.nfps is probably, most likely getting is the provider guide, which is what I'm using. If you use the kodi built-in stalker guide, you will have more control over which guide you are able to use, but it will take a little more tinkering.
I believe the XMLTV guide is down... still.
02-05-2016, 04:27 PM
We recommend you use pvr.stalker.nfps instead and follow this much easier guide
However, If you cannot get that to work, then you can use the version that is already included with kodi, here is what you need to do;
If coming from another device or plugin such as IPTV stalker you must first go reset your mac on papiao or the iptv66 site.
1) In Kodi, from the Main Page, Select System > Add-ons > My add-ons > PVR clients
2) Look for Stalker Client, and Click to bring up Add-on information, click on Configure and select General
3) Connection Timeout set to 120 - (We will use Portal 1)
4) MAC Address, enter your MAC that has been linked to your donation. Your linked mac is 00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx , where the x's are Hex digits (0-9, A-F). The colons are required, and there is no letter 'oh'
5) Server Address, enter your correct server as follows;
IPTV66 -
6) Login and Password is your Donation number
7) Guide Preference - XMLTV only (XMLTV Preferred,also work but takes much longer to load)
8) Enable "Cache Guide Data" and set Cache time to 12 hours if your using the 24 hour pull, and 24 hours if your using the 72 hour pull
9) XMLTV - Scope - Remote URL and enter one of the following (filling in your mac and donation number of course)
NFPS or ROCKET :<guide>
Replace "<guide>" with the following (EG: .....xxxxx/fname/NFPSF4)
NFPSF1 - English (Low memory Devices)
NFPSF2 - English, non DST (Low memory devices)
NFPSF3 - Full (Colorful Guide and all channel info)
NFPSF4 - Full, non DST (Colorful Guide and all channel info)
10) Advanced - Use Alphanumeric combos for Serial Number (12-13 characters) , Device IDs (5-6 characters) and Signature (5-6 characters)
11) Click OK to save your settings. Click on Enable to enable the client.
12) Navigate back to the Kodi Main Window, select System > Live TV > General
13) Select Enable, might get a 'Load of channels' error, Disable/Enable again, leave it for a minute then it should start loading/download the guide
For a video walkthrough on how to set this up see Tech Timeruuu's vid
Q. Help! I cant get it working at all or my guide is not in color.
A.1 You made a typo. erase everything and start over.
A.2 You left it set to "provider only" or "provider preferred" it should be "XMLTV only" for best performance
A.3 If neither A1 or A2 are true and everything is in right. go change your mac on Papiao, and start over.
Q. HELP!!! i have tried everything above and it still will not work.
A. {
1. Put Kodi in debug mode. (google it)
2. install the "Kodi log uploader" program plugin from the kodi repo
3. restart Kodi and run the log uploader
4. pm me the link to your log file. (this log file contains login details, do not post on the forum)}
This worked for me too! I guess I just needed to calm the hell down, follow the directions EXACTLY and focus my laser-like brain energy. WOOO-HOOOO!!! The guide is still down but my customers can deal with that....
02-05-2016, 04:34 PM
BTW, I've finally found the Teamviewer apk that allows you to fully remote control an AFTV/AFTV Stick. If you can't find:, PM me and I'll share. I don't know about anyone else, but for me, this is a GAMECHANGER for supporting my customers.
02-05-2016, 05:05 PM
yea i use that to help many friends
02-05-2016, 07:01 PM
ahhh Guys , i followed every step and still cant get it to work.
Before i was getting Authentication failed and now i'm getting Unable to load channels.
I went back to kodi 15.2 with stalker client 0.84
Ohh No I just got this (
02-05-2016, 07:44 PM
Make sure your Mac begins with 00:1A:78 not 00:1A:79
Not to mess any one up here but mine wasnt working with 00:1A:78 so i changed it to 00:1A:79 and then the channels loaded so maybe its just my account......?
02-05-2016, 09:19 PM
I DID IT... Yes...
I had to change my MAC a couple of times and Got it.. YES>>>
Ooh My GOD I'm so addicted to this IPTV..,,,,
02-06-2016, 12:31 AM
Did anyone read the device id mismatch fix ? It says to generate that hex code and put it in device id, does that mean i leave device id 2 blank?
02-06-2016, 06:38 AM
Did anyone read the device id mismatch fix ? It says to generate that hex code and put it in device id, does that mean i leave device id 2 blank?
I saw the announcement but I still can't get it to work. I tried using only DeviceID 1 with the hex and a serial number. I am also not sure if we are supposed to have the '-' when you generate a hex code or just 1 long string.
For example:
Essentially, the instructions aren't very clear so I'm not sure if it's not working or if I'm just not doing it right.
02-06-2016, 07:13 AM
geman.. jsut use a random 12 digit serial, device id.. The big long hashed device ID as suggested by nfps that some are mentioning is only an example, any random number will do really.. just click on reset iptv on papiao then enable your client. if it doesnt work. change your mac and try again.
02-06-2016, 08:18 AM
Not to mess any one up here but mine wasnt working with 00:1A:78 so i changed it to 00:1A:79 and then the channels loaded so maybe its just my account......?
if you managed to retrieve your acess via changing the mac 78 to 79 like myself dont stop there you now know the infomation is set under wrong mac you now need to reset your infomation and then change it to a set of codes you have a copy of then change your mac to the 78 and test the cconnection to the server, we wernt using codes when the macs were 79 so your infomation would have been auto generated and sent. once the servers only acept mac 78 and you have not followed the resetting of your iptv under the mac 78 you will loose your acess.
02-06-2016, 09:03 AM
geman.. jsut use a random 12 digit serial, device id.. The big long hashed device ID as suggested by nfps that some are mentioning is only an example, any random number will do really.. just click on reset iptv on papiao then enable your client. if it doesnt work. change your mac and try again.
Thanks I'll try it in a bit. I need to fill out all the advanced settings correct, device id 1. device id 2, serial, all that stuff?
Edit: It added the channels but I don't have an EPG. I set to 'Prefer XMLTV' and I also tried 'Prefer Provider'. Still not getting an EPG either way on Kodi android.
02-06-2016, 11:48 AM
Thanks I'll try it in a bit. I need to fill out all the advanced settings correct, device id 1. device id 2, serial, all that stuff?
Edit: It added the channels but I don't have an EPG. I set to 'Prefer XMLTV' and I also tried 'Prefer Provider'. Still not getting an EPG either way on Kodi android.
Channels all working here but not had epg for days. Server provided one is crap & out on time.
02-06-2016, 07:08 PM
The crazy thing is I try to change my mac it says changed, but when I go back in and it is the same one I have emailed support 12 times no reply ? Anyone have the same problem?
02-06-2016, 08:58 PM
The crazy thing is I try to change my mac it says changed, but when I go back in and it is the same one I have emailed support 12 times no reply ? Anyone have the same problem?
Same here , ive changed my MAC several times and when i go back to check on it or change it again its still the original MAC from like 4 days ago that i didnt even provide.
02-06-2016, 09:27 PM
for those that are getting no guide at all.. there is a reason the frist post says the following
***NOTE***: If you ever make changes in the stalker plugin.. or the channel lineup changes. go into settings >TV and choose "Clear Data" and restart Kodi as soon as its done (before it starts reloading channels)
02-09-2016, 11:51 PM
I am absolutely new to this type of technology, maybe you could help me out. Where do I find the serial number and device ID?
crazed 9.6
02-09-2016, 11:54 PM
I am absolutely new to this type of technology, maybe you could help me out. Where do I find the serial number and device ID?
pyscon has that answer :)
geman.. jsut use a random 12 digit serial, device id.. The big long hashed device ID as suggested by nfps that some are mentioning is only an example, any random number will do really..
02-10-2016, 04:30 PM
I am absolutely new to this type of technology, maybe you could help me out. Where do I find the serial number and device ID?
Antonio, I don't mean this to sound rude, but if you're new, your best bet would be to perform some due diligence and That is the only way you're going to feel confident tweaking. If you read through related threads, including this one, you will find that 99.9% of your questions have already been answered - probably twice, and you will avoid getting smacked across the face.
I've found that everyone here is willing to help as long as you've put in the work to learn.
02-10-2016, 04:34 PM
for those that are getting no guide at all.. there is a reason the frist post says the following
***NOTE***: If you ever make changes in the stalker plugin.. or the channel lineup changes. go into settings >TV and choose "Clear Data" and restart Kodi as soon as its done (before it starts reloading channels)
Psycon, I've tried this and still not getting any love. My process is to disable Live TV, clear data under that heading and go to "guide" and also clear data under that heading. Then I enable Live TV and rip the power from the AFTV before the channels start loading. Is this process correct?
02-10-2016, 04:49 PM
quit, dont pull power
02-10-2016, 09:35 PM
quit, dont pull power
Thanks, but there's no way I can move fast enough to get to quit before the loading starts...:confused:
sorry, it doesnt matter if it starts,, dont let it finish though. jsut quit as soon as you can after tis done clearing..
02-11-2016, 04:38 AM
Kodi 15.2
Stalker.client 0.8.4
mac 00:1a:78:*
Server address:
Timezone: America/Toronto
Login: donation number*
pass: donation number*
Guide preference: Prefer XMLTV
Remote URL:*/donation/**/fname/NFPSF1
Token: blank
serial: random alpha numeric
Device id: random
Device id2: random
Signature: random
RESULT: Stalker client Unable to load channels
Stalker Client NFPS 0.8.4
Active portal: IPTVRocket
Mac: * last 3
Time zone: America/toronto
Donation: *
XMLTV File: 24hrs
Commection timeoit 120
RESULT: Stalker client NFPS. Authentication failed. Retrying
What seems to be the problem? Its been 10 days now and its not working.
02-11-2016, 09:34 AM
Thanks so much! After days of trying to get my IPTV to work, this finally worked! Now, can I record? When I tested Timer I got an error saying this doesn't support a timer.
02-11-2016, 01:38 PM
Thanks so much! After days of trying to get my IPTV to work, this finally worked! Now, can I record? When I tested Timer I got an error saying this doesn't support a timer.
No. Recording not supported yet. One day.......
02-11-2016, 02:42 PM
No. Recording not supported yet. One day.......
Ok. That's fine. How do I stop it playing in that window? There's supposed to be a full screen option in Kodi settings but i don't see it.
02-11-2016, 02:48 PM
use the stop button.
use the \ key if you have a keyboard or goto ststem/video and you wull see windowed/full screen option in the top of the menu.
02-11-2016, 03:31 PM
use the stop button.
use the \ key if you have a keyboard or goto ststem/video and you wull see windowed/full screen option in the top of the menu.
with 16 rc3 it's system/system/video output for windowed/full screen option in the top of the menu.
@monkeyman82: You are using the portal for Kodi 16. If you have Kodi 15.2 with PVR Stalker 0.8.4, you should use the following portal...
You should start with a fresh MAC since you have been switching between PVR 0.8.4 and PVR NFPS.
02-11-2016, 03:57 PM
incorrect ilan.. you can use the full portal address with any version.. you just cant use the short "11.iptvrocket......" address in kodi 16 or newer as the cleint no longer follows the redirect by design..
try just doing an IPTV reset on papiao before trying a whole new mac..
02-11-2016, 04:44 PM
with 16 rc3 it's system/system/video output for windowed/full screen option in the top of the menu.
Thanks! I'm new at this. 1 more question. Does the parental control block adult channels? If not, is there a way to?
02-11-2016, 05:12 PM
yes it does.. but you have to go into the channel manager first and turn parental lock on for those channels or any other ones you want to lock down..
02-11-2016, 05:37 PM
yes it does.. but you have to go into the channel manager first and turn parental lock on for those channels or any other ones you want to lock down..
Thanks! You guys are so nice.
02-11-2016, 07:04 PM
I have a question. I have a few customers who use the same donation on two different boxes - never at the same time. What is the best method for them to switch usage from one device to another?
I have a question. I have a few customers who use the same donation on two different boxes - never at the same time. What is the best method for them to switch usage from one device to another?
Best approach is to use a different MAC on each device and change the MAC and do a IPTV Reset when they switch. You can't control how the device id is calculated in the add-on, so it probably won't be identical even if you use the same MAC and donation number. You may have a better chance of using the same MAC with the built in client on the two boxes alternatively using the same device ID and serial number, but it's not a sure thing.
02-12-2016, 01:53 AM
Is anyone else having issues with it kicking you out of kodi?
02-12-2016, 02:54 AM
Kodi 15.2
Stalker.client 0.8.4
mac 00:1a:78:*
Server address:
Timezone: America/Toronto
Login: donation number*
pass: donation number*
Guide preference: Prefer XMLTV
Remote URL:*/donation/**/fname/NFPSF1
Token: blank
serial: random alpha numeric
Device id: random
Device id2: random
Signature: random
RESULT: Stalker client Unable to load channels
Stalker Client NFPS 0.8.4
Active portal: IPTVRocket
Mac: * last 3
Time zone: America/toronto
Donation: *
XMLTV File: 24hrs
Commection timeoit 120
RESULT: Stalker client NFPS. Authentication failed. Retrying
What seems to be the problem? Its been 10 days now and its not working.
I can get Stalker Client NFPS to work, but the guide is off by an hour again...Blackbear, its the same issue as before!! How can I use the NFPS4 guide on Stalker Client NFPS?
When I try Stalker Client 0.8.4 it just says "unable to load channels" It worked before all the changes last week. Can someone help with the setup for IPTV66?
02-12-2016, 07:48 AM
Best approach is to use a different MAC on each device and change the MAC and do a IPTV Reset when they switch. You can't control how the device id is calculated in the add-on, so it probably won't be identical even if you use the same MAC and donation number. You may have a better chance of using the same MAC with the built in client on the two boxes alternatively using the same device ID and serial number, but it's not a sure thing.
Thanks Dara. I've gotten to where I don't bother with pvr.stalker.nfps and just copy the pvr.stalker configuration onto each box for such customers. I was just curious as to whether or not the new authentication method required a new process because a customer had a "Device ID" mismatch error today.
Oh. And if it helps anyone to configure pvr.stalker a little easier, I'll share my method for modifying the settings. I pull the "settings.xml" file for pvr.stalker to my Windows computer and use Notepad++ to enter all the relevant information. Once I'm done, I just push it back, clear all data fields, re-enable the pvr.stalker add-on and Live TV, and VOILA!! I've found this to be much more accurate in making sure the info is correct. Once you've done it once or twice, it's super easy.
02-12-2016, 08:23 AM
Ok. That's fine. How do I stop it playing in that window? There's supposed to be a full screen option in Kodi settings but i don't see it.
press tab to switch between fullsceen and gui, I use another shortcut though, I just press(select) the channel one more time and it goes to fullscreen. :)
once in fullscreen, you can hold down select and get OSD a channel selector. you can also press up/down to switch channel, or use the numeric keys to switch to particular a channel number, and you can use 0 (zero) to switch between previous channel and the one you are watching.
edit: long press actions to get the OSD channel list only works with kodi 16, you can chose the list from the player control panel in kodi 15 though.
02-12-2016, 12:27 PM
Today I'm getting unable to load Channels. I even reset my IPTV and that didn't work. It was working good last night.
02-12-2016, 02:15 PM
authentication fail, i reset mac,changed and still nothing. What is the new issue today?
Same here with a PVR Stalker client that was working perfectly from day 1 of username/password authentication.
02-12-2016, 02:29 PM
I unplug my box and plug again back and everything back to work. Try to do this.
Yes, things are back up. Glad they remedied quickly. :)
02-12-2016, 02:58 PM
Yes, things are back up. Glad they remedied quickly. :)
Me 2😀😀😀
I was worried that I did something
02-12-2016, 04:35 PM
@monkeyman82: You are using the portal for Kodi 16. If you have Kodi 15.2 with PVR Stalker 0.8.4, you should use the following portal...
You should start with a fresh MAC since you have been switching between PVR 0.8.4 and PVR NFPS.
Thank you Ilan for replying. I changed the MAC then changed the portal address as suggested by you and also updated the mac in the xmltv guide url. Disabled TV then click on Clear data and then exit kodi. Restarted kodi and reenabled TV and got same error: Stalker client unable to load channels. :(
02-12-2016, 06:39 PM
if all was working and just stopped today thats telling me they are still playing with the server and mac address so maybe wait a little an see if it comes back its nor perfect yet so hold on
I'm pretty much at a loss. We can try someting I used to do before the latest changes. Use the built-in PVR Stalker client...
I'm going to try a shortcut. Let's try to follow a proven format.
Try mimicking this format in terms of the placement of numbers and letters. Of course, change the numbers and letters, but follow the sequence. Make sure IPTV Stalker and any PVR's are disabled. Start with a fresh MAC.
Add your username/password as per your donation then mimmick this format...
Serial: 1760631B40872
ID 1: 8345C
ID 2: 4903B
Sig: yuck1357
Yes, I was going for the shorter url to make sure there were no mistakes attributable to the longer address. The shorter url would redirect in the K 15 client.
02-12-2016, 10:38 PM
yeah I saw psycon said it too, so I deleted the post. my bad for not reading back a bit. sorry!
I see your reason. typo's are probably one of the biggest user error's heh. myself not excluded.
02-13-2016, 06:48 AM
Ok, Ladies and Gents,
I have a verified through papiao 2 good working donation codes. I have followed the instructions and have read multiple pages. I'm using KODI 16-R-3, PVR Stalker Middleware V. 1.0.3. I've used the long form portal for IKS Rocket, tried with 2 completely different donation codes, with 2 new MAC addresses each. I've reset the port, and the IPTV reset as well. I am still getting an authentication failure. My serial number is 13 characters, 1 letter, 12 numbers, I've tried with only 12 numbers as well. My Device ID is 12 numbers as well and have tried a smaller set of only 6 numbers. I have uninstalled kodi at least 5 times. I have checked all of my strings for a typo and have found none.
02-13-2016, 05:34 PM
If the papiao link you are referring to is the same as the one that should be in this format:
then the link does not work. What could be wrong? I've made sure the format of the URL is correct and Blackbear confirmed this is correct earlier in this thread. :/
The debug log just appends the following onto the above URL:
|User-Agent=Mozilla%2f5.0%20%28QtEmbedded%3b%20U%3b%20Li nux%3b%20C%29%20AppleWebKit%2f533.3%20%28KHTML%2c% 20like%20Gecko%29%20MAG200%20stbapp%20ver%3a%202%2 0rev%3a%20250%20Safari%2f533.3&Connection-Timeout=15
Hope this fixes it. Your papiao is wrong, it should be not
02-14-2016, 02:54 AM
are you using the 00:1A:78 and not 79?
also, i used 13 characters/numbers for both the serial number and device id 1.
02-14-2016, 10:22 AM
Closing this thread.
If you if you have an issue with pvr.stalker or cannot connect at all Look through the posts or start a thread in Here:
IF you can connect fine, but your epg isnt working correctly or shows up grey and missing quite a few channels. Look through the posts or start a new thread in
Remember too. the site has a search function up in the top right corner, USE IT. your issue has probably been asked and solved numerous times.
06-16-2016, 12:31 AM
now that gzip is supported, you no longert need the EPG updater addon with this to get the better epg.. simply set your epg url to http://nfps.**********
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