View Full Version : Use this MAC Address for Your STB Emulator
Now that I got you to open the thread I'm going to explain how to find your mac address and why you should use yours when using any emulator. The stb emulators allow android devices or pc's to connect to the iptv server just like your mag 25x would. The mac address it uses has to be assigned by you.
For a pc emulator, press and hold the windows key and press the letter r on your keyboard. This opens up a run box near the start menu. Type in
cmd and press enter. This puts you into dos, the ancient operating system that come before winders. Type in
ipconfig /all and press enter. This tells you your mac address for your net devices, your ip, and your network state.
Take the mac address it gave you and write down the last half of it, the entire mac will look like aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 and 00:11:22 will be what you're looking for. Use those last 6 numbers or letters in the mac of your chosen emulator. Do not use 00:11:22, use your mac! The first three pairs tell what the device manufacturer is and the last 3 sets are the individual device identification.
For an android emulator, you can turn it over and look on the bottom. If that's not an option then select or go into the settings or setup menu. You will see wifi, ethernet, more, sound, etc as options going down the left side of the screen when there. Scroll down all the way to the about option at the bottom. Will probably display about and then the name of your device. Select it and then select Status. There it will show your ip address, mac address, and wifi address.
Take the mac address it gave you and write down the last half of it, the entire mac will look like aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 and 00:11:22 will be what you're looking for. Use those last 6 numbers or letters in the mac of your chosen emulator. Do not use 00:11:22, use your mac! The first three pairs tell what the device manufacturer is and the last 3 sets are the individual device identification.
Here is why. When you connect to a server, a router, or any other device your mac address says what the device is. The first three say who made the device and the last three are the individual identification of the device. If two devices connect at the same time with the same mac address there is no way to tell the two apart. So any information needing to be sent to one of those either gets sent to both or neither.
So the way it is handled is either. 1. network devices will only allow one mac to connect and deny the second. 2. one connects and then when the second applies to connect it disconnects one to connect another and switches between the two. or 3. Both devices are refused. Neither option is good.
The first three sets for emulators are always "00:1A:78", and use those last three sets for your emulator.
The complete MAC is used to to link to your donation.
Now that I got you to open the thread I'm going to explain how to find your mac address and why you should use yours when using any emulator. The stb emulators allow android devices or pc's to connect to the iptv server just like your mag 25x would. The mac address it uses has to be assigned by you.
For a pc emulator, press and hold the windows key and press the letter r on your keyboard. This opens up a run box near the start menu. Type in
cmd and press enter. This puts you into dos, the ancient operating system that come before winders. Type in
ipconfig /all and press enter. This tells you your mac address for your net devices, your ip, and your network state.
Take the mac address it gave you and write down the last half of it, the entire mac will look like aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 and 00:11:22 will be what you're looking for. Use those last 6 numbers or letters in the mac of your chosen emulator. Do not use 00:11:22, use your mac! The first three pairs tell what the device manufacturer is and the last 3 sets are the individual device identification.
For an android emulator, you can turn it over and look on the bottom. If that's not an option then select or go into the settings or setup menu. You will see wifi, ethernet, more, sound, etc as options going down the left side of the screen when there. Scroll down all the way to the about option at the bottom. Will probably display about and then the name of your device. Select it and then select Status. There it will show your ip address, mac address, and wifi address.
Take the mac address it gave you and write down the last half of it, the entire mac will look like aa:bb:cc:00:11:22 and 00:11:22 will be what you're looking for. Use those last 6 numbers or letters in the mac of your chosen emulator. Do not use 00:11:22, use your mac! The first three pairs tell what the device manufacturer is and the last 3 sets are the individual device identification.
Here is why. When you connect to a server, a router, or any other device your mac address says what the device is. The first three say who made the device and the last three are the individual identification of the device. If two devices connect at the same time with the same mac address there is no way to tell the two apart. So any information needing to be sent to one of those either gets sent to both or neither.
So the way it is handled is either. 1. network devices will only allow one mac to connect and deny the second. 2. one connects and then when the second applies to connect it disconnects one to connect another and switches between the two. or 3. Both devices are refused. Neither option is good.
Either way, use your own last 3 sets for your emulator mac. Thanks
02-27-2015, 05:11 PM
yea it should be done that way soon when we go private we will start seeing problems with emulators and mac address can see it now
I think the fear is that someone will be able to spoof a valid MAC from a supported device, like the MAGs, making the MAG useless because you can't easily change the hardware encoded MAC. I think the first check should be against a donation number, then to the MAC, should be enough to make a unique key that is useable on a single box.
I'm not going into the security aspect in the post, just the need to use your own mac from the device you're using instead of changing the last 1 or 2 from zeros. Pretty sure with things the way they are now that donation code will be the main decider for letting something on the server. But if that device let on has a lazy mac assigned then there is still troubles.
I'd rather future proof the mac on my device now and worry about the server when they release the server on us. :)
03-18-2015, 12:39 PM
11 Methods: How to Find the MAC Address
04-11-2015, 03:17 AM
Im a little unclear here.Am i using my pc as a mag 250 or what?Where does the mac address go?Please explain,thanks.
04-11-2015, 03:22 AM
Im a little unclear here.Am i using my pc as a mag 250 or what?Where does the mac address go?Please explain,thanks.
if you are using an emulator, when you set it up, there is a place to change your mac
05-18-2015, 12:15 AM
ok, so if I am not using an emulator? I am running Kodi on my windows machine directly. Should I configure with my windows MAC, my router MAC, or my cable modem MAC?
<--- confused :(
05-18-2015, 12:17 AM
your pc mac... but only the last 6 digits
05-18-2015, 12:19 AM
ok, thanks.... i will try that.
05-18-2015, 12:31 AM
still no joy.... I will post in the main thread
05-18-2015, 11:34 PM
Any chance of getting the EPG working with this method?
05-19-2015, 01:03 AM
think they have that already do some reading
06-14-2015, 01:20 AM
Hey All, Thanks for what You do... :) 4me is attempting to use a xbmc... as a Mag250, while inside the system 4me found the Mac Addy was in Upper-Case and the tag on the Bottom of the box is in Lower-Case... Tried Both sets and the mac Addy shows a Red Line under it Both Times... installed the Stalker and can only get 11 chnls and only 2 of them werk...Lol...! Any Advice would bee Appreciated...! Have Navi-x and Genesis installed but really would like to get more of the chnls that someone does carry... Thanks.. :cool:
07-13-2015, 11:21 PM
I jumped into the boot a little to late. I read through most of the posts, made a donation and want to use the ptv stalker addon on kodi running on mac mini. I am struggeling with assigning the mac address. Please some one tells me: should I put the mac address of my MacMini as it is or do I have to change those digits as described for the emulators? and if this the case, shoutld I change the last 6 digits or the first ones? plz help me as I am lost here. thanks
I jumped into the boot a little to late. I read through most of the posts, made a donation and want to use the ptv stalker addon on kodi running on mac mini. I am struggeling with assigning the mac address. Please some one tells me: should I put the mac address of my MacMini as it is or do I have to change those digits as described for the emulators? and if this the case, shoutld I change the last 6 digits or the first ones? plz help me as I am lost here. thanks
Welcome. Use "00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx" where the x'es are hex digits. Use the last six digits of your MacMini, or some very random hex digits. In the future, those who use emulators and Kodi will be asked to use "78" instead of "79" to avoid potential conflicts with those who can't change their MACs.
07-14-2015, 01:49 PM
This is still a little confusing to me so here is what I think you are saying. I have an AVOV and have linked it to my donation. As long as I want to use the AVOV I need to do nothing but watch TV. When I move to my Kodi/Windows PC box I will need to change the MAC associated with my donation to a different number: 00:1A:79 plus the last 6 digits of my Windows computer. I would do this through the online utility in the immediate time gap between stopping the AVOV and starting the Kodi PC. Now, if I have all that right, here is the question: must I also click the 2 button entries in the IPTV Stalker app settings menu "Custom MAC Address" and "Send Serial Number". Is this all I need to do?
And thanks for all your help dara.
This is still a little confusing to me so here is what I think you are saying. I have an AVOV and have linked it to my donation. As long as I want to use the AVOV I need to do nothing but watch TV. When I move to my Kodi/Windows PC box I will need to change the MAC associated with my donation to a different number: 00:1A:79 plus the last 6 digits of my Windows computer. I would do this through the online utility in the immediate time gap between stopping the AVOV and starting the Kodi PC. Now, if I have all that right, here is the question: must I also click the 2 button entries in the IPTV Stalker app settings menu "Custom MAC Address" and "Send Serial Number". Is this all I need to do?
And thanks for all your help dara.
If all you have is one donation, you can only associate 1 MAC to it. Because you can't change the MAC on the AVOV, that's the one you want to link to the donation. You can't have multiple devices running at the same time on that MAC, but if you want to use Kodi, turn off the AVOV, and use the same MAC in the address, and theoretically it should work. I don't know if the Send Serial Number is yet required for IPTV Stalker, so leave that off for now.
07-14-2015, 02:51 PM
So I don't need to do anything with authorizing a second MAC address with the system. Does this mean the network will automatically allow my kodi PC (and its different MAC address) to run when I switch to it after I power off my AVOV? And I don't need to click the Custom MAC address button either?
This is still not clear but it sounds easier than I thought it would be handled. Now it sounds like I can move from my AVOV to any kodi PC here in my house without doing anything special at all as long as I don't try to access the network with more than one device at a time.
So I don't need to do anything with authorizing a second MAC address with the system. Does this mean the network will automatically allow my kodi PC (and its different MAC address) to run when I switch to it after I power off my AVOV? And I don't need to click the Custom MAC address button either?
This is still not clear but it sounds easier than I thought it would be handled. Now it sounds like I can move from my AVOV to any kodi PC here in my house without doing anything special at all as long as I don't try to access the network with more than one device at a time.
To date, the only thing that the iptv server knows is a list of valid MAC addresses as linked to the donation number. After connecting with the server, if it sees only one valid MAC connecting, then it will allow the remote device to interact with it. You will need a MAC no matter what, so in IPTV Stalker, at least you will need to click the Custom MAC address. So, as I said before, just don't have the same MAC address running at the same time. We'll know that for sure in the next few days, and hopefully no one will lose their donation over it.
07-14-2015, 03:36 PM
I do not want to replace the administrator of the portal in the next few days. The mess will be quite large in the MAC addresses , but NFPS are proven professionals and they will get better quickly. Let us be patient and give them the necessary time .
07-15-2015, 12:12 AM
yea think it will be a heck of a day
07-17-2015, 09:08 PM
My donation is now linked to the pvr stalker client mac address. I shlould receive my mag 254 in two days. but I don't see a chance in my donation info on the site to change mac address any more!! does this mean, my donation is now only stuck to kodi and to use the mag I have to make a new donation? please advise. thanks
My donation is now linked to the pvr stalker client mac address. I shlould receive my mag 254 in two days. but I don't see a chance in my donation info on the site to change mac address any more!! does this mean, my donation is now only stuck to kodi and to use the mag I have to make a new donation? please advise. thanks
I think the server guys screwed up on where they put the different donation checkers. Here are the right ones:
07-17-2015, 09:34 PM
I think the server guys screwed up on where they put the different donation checkers. Here are the right ones:
really really thank you..yoy saved my ass
I followed your directions exactly as you have them. It's not working for me!
on the 1st line I have ROCKET
2nd line URL
mac 00:1a:79: and the last 6 digits right off my STB CS918.
all I get is error 404 then custom mac address is invalid
big dady
07-29-2015, 09:13 PM
I followed your directions exactly as you have them. It's not working for me!
on the 1st line I have ROCKET
2nd line URL
mac 00:1a:79: and the last 6 digits right off my STB CS918.
all I get is error 404 then custom mac address is invalid
That error looks like you're not using STB emulator but Kodi so please ask your questions in the Kodi section
you will get more help there
03-01-2016, 12:03 AM
NFPS new emulator 0.84 runs good at first . When android device is turn off and launch the STB emulator I'm getting Please contact your provider to register this device. In this scenario I would change the mac address in portal and in donation and it would work and when the devices switches off again it's back with the same message.
Any idea or solution would be nice as I'm trying to get away from Kodi and their PVR client issues since they have ninja is having an issue with their android version.
03-31-2016, 06:46 PM
problems enable stb emu on android box iptv MXQ activation Italian free MAC address is not good ...... help
11-17-2016, 10:02 PM
I paid my subscription and its been a week now and i cant get registered. I got a 13 figit number for my name and password but everytime i enter it i getba message says error. What am i doing wrong.
crazed 9.6
11-17-2016, 10:10 PM
I paid my subscription and its been a week now and i cant get registered. I got a 13 figit number for my name and password but everytime i enter it i getba message says error. What am i doing wrong.
That 13 digit number is your iptv66 code and is called a Route number. Usede as both username and password, yes.
But did you also register a MAC addy at ?
crazed 9.6
11-17-2016, 10:45 PM
your reseller never gave you the needed info safya :(
Check your messages :)
Sorry, forgive me for my stupid question. Will this work for my lap top. I'm not a tech geek.
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