View Full Version : clearing data/clear cache help
jc cell
12-01-2015, 12:41 AM
where would you like me to go to clear data/ clear cache on kodi under setting if you do this all the your configure is off on stalker clients i have do this two time and said can not load channels need help going on week 3 and nothing jc cell
12-01-2015, 03:03 AM
You go in the "TV" tab in settings / system.
"clear cache / date", something like that. Do it twice...
jc cell
12-01-2015, 04:14 AM
on my box on tv tab in settings has not clear cache/data it only has clear data i click on clear data said (unable to load channels) this on tv settings general - enable blue light on- synchronise channel groips with backend blue light on - channel manager- group manger- search for channel - clear data - reset above settings to default that it can someone tell me next move thanks jc cell
12-01-2015, 09:31 AM
Yes, you'll see that a lot, & yes you're correct, within Kodi clear data in settings>tv>general only gives you the option to clear data which will delete the entire channel & guide database (note that this will also clear any customised channel changes such as groups/hide channels etc) but for troubleshooting it's generally a good idea to use this option. In system>tv>guide, clearing data will delete the cached guide data. Those two options apply when you're using the PVR Client/Live TV feature.
When people refer to clearing the cache for the IPTV Stalker Video Addon they mean launching the Video Addon & highlighting their server (NFPS, Rocket or IPTV66), bringing up the context menu with their remote/mouse & choosing clear cache.
You're using an android box, so you can easily clear your Kodi cache by exiting Kodi altogether & going to your android box settings>other>more settings>apps>Kodi>clear cache (do NOT clear data). When you relaunch Kodi you'll get a 'preparing for first run message' but your addons & system settings will have been preserved (provided you didn't choose clear data) & just your cached data will have been deleted. You can also use the Maintenance Tool that comes with the Fusion Installer to clear cache within Kodi, but some users don't like using third party apps like that at all for various reasons.
jc cell
12-01-2015, 09:11 PM
i thank you very much but one ? i have PVR Clint but no live tv feature how can i load live tv and on this clear cache or you to do this first or after you do all your setting on your box
12-02-2015, 01:49 AM
The Live TV feature will only appear after enabling it & configuring your PVR Client correctly. When channels are loading the Live TV tab will appear on your home screen. If you intend setting it up clear cache & disable your IPTV Stalker Video Addon, & then go about configuring the PVR Client/Live TV combo. It would probably be a good idea at that stage to link a fresh MAC address to your donation.
Open the following link, go to number 2 OR 3 & follow the relevant link - I'd recommend number 2 (PVR Stalker NFPS) for ease of configuration, & for that you'll have to download the zip file :
If you run into problems post for help by starting a thread in the PVR Clients Forum:
jc cell
12-02-2015, 02:46 AM
thanks eureka ok i go to TV settings
click on enabled said this
no PVR add-on enabled the PVR manager has been enabled without any enable PVR add-on . Enabled at least one add-on in order to use the PVR functionality so with should i do next it said enabled one my ? one from where you find add-on jc
12-02-2015, 06:10 AM
thanks eureka ok i go to TV settings
click on enabled said this
no PVR add-on enabled the PVR manager has been enabled without any enable PVR add-on . Enabled at least one add-on in order to use the PVR functionality so with should i do next it said enabled one my ? one from where you find add-on jc
Read post #6 again, not just the first sentence.
jc cell
12-02-2015, 04:10 PM
i'm lost wend you said read post number 6?????
12-02-2015, 04:46 PM
There are links in it with instructions on how to configure the PVR clients. The error message you got : ''no PVR add-on enabled'' means that you haven't enabled the PVR Client, which you'll have to do, after you've configured it correctly. Go to System>Addons>My Addons>PVR clients & select the PVR Client that you configured. Then enable it. Disable & re-enable Tv & the channels should load.
Like I said in post #6 if you run into problems post for help by starting a thread in the PVR Clients Forum:
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