View Full Version : Too Much buffering at peak times - Very poor Service
12-13-2015, 05:46 AM
Its working great, has been all night.
Enough with the lying crap.yes it has worked great been nice
12-13-2015, 05:48 AM
Everybody just chill and enjoy it....:)
12-13-2015, 06:17 AM
no buffering at all here.. i almost fell asleep with all the prefights lol another lesson in the sport world.
Its working great, has been all night.
Enough with the lying crap.
It's sad to see a mod come into a thread of 26 Pages with 250 comments and brush off all the comments and say its "all a lie". Did you check out my post #201 and watch the videos before jumping to this conclusion???????? I am the one who started this thread saying it buffers for live events and proved it by recording and showing everyone in post #201...... and today I said "NO BUFFER AT ALL"... so where is the lie????. Very disappointed at your comment because you are a mod, learn to respect others.
Anyways for others who take this seriously like myself and tuxen, I watched almost all the fights today on 417 BT Sports 2 and there was "NOT A SINGLE BUFFER", for me this is unbelievably opposite of all the big live events prior to tonight. Something either fixed on its own or the NFPS team improved something, lets hope it stays like this (at least for people who had so much buffer like my self).
GOOD JOB NFPS IPTV!!! keep up the good work.
12-13-2015, 06:23 AM
It's sad to see a mod come into a thread of 26 Pages with 250 comments and brush off all the comments and say its "all a lie". Did you check out my post #201 and watch the videos before jumping to this conclusion???????? I am the one who started this thread saying it buffers for live events and proved it by recording and showing everyone in post #201...... and today I said "NO BUFFER AT ALL"... so where is the lie????. Very disappointed at your comment because you are a mod, learn to respect others.
Anyways for others who take this seriously like myself and tuxen, I watched almost all the fights today on 417 BT Sports 2 and there was "NOT A SINGLE BUFFER", for me this is unbelievably opposite of all the big live events prior to tonight. Something either fixed on its own or the NFPS team improved something, lets hope it stays like this (at least for people who had so much buffer like my self).
GOOD JOB NFPS IPTV!!! keep up the good work.
Dude I said to drop it. Im not taking sides. I read all of it.
Nobody said "All a lie".
I don't have to jump to any conclusions.
I respect everyone.
If anymore is said about it, that person will be on vacation.
No more Warnings!!!!
12-13-2015, 06:24 AM
I believe Capn K was referring to liar comments, he wasn't calling anyone, anything. I for one don't enjoy anyone's posts be-littleing staff, pls remember this. thks for your comments regarding the service tonite. I ask that you please read carefully before reacting with a post, thks...
12-13-2015, 06:26 AM
I believe Capn K was referring to liar comments, he wasn't calling anyone, anything. I for one don't enjoy anyone's posts be-littleing staff, pls remember this. thks for your comments regarding the service tonite. I ask that you please read carefully before reacting with a post, thks...
exactly what I meant. thanks KK
I was on his side too....
12-13-2015, 06:29 AM
apun I'm sorry if you misunderstood. my bad
12-13-2015, 06:32 AM
apun: i think you misunderstood captainkangaroo, he was referring to pod77's sarcastic comment, because we have been talking about if you had no problems with the service and enjoyed the forum, you get attacked sometime as a liar or mod lover. both podd77 and i also did get attacked by some nut for lying.. pod77 only some hours ago before the fight. i think you missed all that fun..
anyway then pod77 posted a sarcastic comment to your post. i think it was directed at that... nothing big i think just to stop any further accusations.
12-13-2015, 06:33 AM
apun: i think you misunderstood captainkangaroo, he was referring to pod77's sarcastic comment, because we have been talking about if you had no problems with the service and enjoyed the forum, you get attacked sometime as a liar or mod lover. both podd77 and i also did get attacked by some nut for lying.. pod77 only some hours ago before the fight. i think you missed all that fun..
anyway then pod77 posted a sarcastic comment to your post. i think it was directed at that... nothing big i think just to stop any further accusations.
Again, correct. thanks
12-13-2015, 06:50 AM
seems like everybody had a good night looking at the posts around the board.. :)
apun I'm sorry if you misunderstood. my bad
It's actually my fault, for missing that comment before your comment :( my bad and no worries :) I was excited to report "No Buffering" and I saw that so got caught up haha pzzz
apun: i think you misunderstood captainkangaroo, he was referring to pod77's sarcastic comment, because we have been talking about if you had no problems with the service and enjoyed the forum, you get attacked sometime as a liar or mod lover. both podd77 and i also did get attacked by some nut for lying.. pod77 only some hours ago before the fight. i think you missed all that fun..
anyway then pod77 posted a sarcastic comment to your post. i think it was directed at that... nothing big i think just to stop any further accusations.
Roger that sir!, I got it all good.. was my fault for missing that post :(
But yeh finally There was absolutely no Buffering on BT Sports for UFC 194, all the credit goes to the NFPS team, I see some other posts also mentioning that they had buffering before and none last night for UFC!! Hopefully the team can keep up the good work and our internet and hardware doesnt cheat us also lol :cool:
12-13-2015, 09:16 PM
A lot of freezing using kodi 15.2 (iptv stalker 9.0.21) and iptv simple cluent. W/ 10mb of internet speed. drive Me crazy.
12-14-2015, 04:08 AM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
12-14-2015, 02:49 PM
it's weird, BT Sport 2 was fine watching the UFC on Sat but the Sky Movie channels were buffering all day Sunday.
12-14-2015, 05:42 PM
Sunday NFL Ticket Channels were low video quality and froze too much..................
12-14-2015, 08:49 PM
Agreed if there is this great service out there that ran like a "Swiss watch" 😂 that some members say there is I would love to see it... Even major cable providers are testing iptv and having freezing/buffering issues. So with the amount of resources they have and they are having issues what can you expect? This is 29 cents a day and they are constantly working on it, yes it's frustrating but for the cost how can you be mad?(unless you thought this would be your only TV Source) With this service you should have a backup source just incase an issue arises plain and simple. If you think you are going to get hassle free TV for $105 a year than you should only be mad at yourself as that will never happen! For the cost of this service after a few events and movies it has paid for itself! Sorry to all the people who thought they struck gold and decided to be resellers thinking its a get rich scheme... With any business you should always do your homework!!
hey, imho
...all servers run like swiss cheese ..reality is, "peak hours" are the biggest drawback when it comes to connecting to a server b/c there are many more clients connecting to these servers... some p$ (private) servers who share seeds will limit customers added to a server..the bigger the server the better and the cable companies who are running IPTV WILL get same issues as the little guys, the nagging buffer issues...the more servers being used, like NFPS does? they are likely using many more servers hence why you will see some are buffering and others NOT..we don;t know which server we are connecting to so, if customers were allowed to know if it was a geo location issue we can then change to a server to handle the traffic, better ...connecting to overseas servers is even more conflicting
once a server is trying to handle too much traffic (especially peak times) they cannot recover until less traffic
its a sad reality and will continue UNLESS the providers (private or public) up their bandwidth ...and there is the problem, COST!!!!
cable companies who offer iptv service also will limit their bandwidth with their internet customers so is it any wonder they too will get buffering during peak times? they keep trying to find hardware issues (mostly a myth) and even tell their csr's to try and point customers to their INTERNET hardware as if this was the issue of their, what it all boils down to is the amount of traffic connecting to their server(s)
and what channels get affected are dependent on how many are trying to stream through them..iptv is nice when it works and can stream without the buffers but its life in the internet world , it will NEVER be perfect and yes i get annoyed too but what can you do?
i just come on here to see if im NOT the only one and once i see im NOT?? then i know (as always) it's NOT my hardware..thats all i need to know..but i DO understand the rants, it comes with the territory...
Happy Holidays!!
12-14-2015, 09:54 PM
hey, imho
...all servers run like swiss cheese ..reality is, "peak hours" are the biggest drawback when it comes to connecting to a server b/c there are many more clients connecting to these servers... some p$ (private) servers who share seeds will limit customers added to a server..the bigger the server the better and the cable companies who are running IPTV WILL get same issues as the little guys, the nagging buffer issues...the more servers being used, like NFPS does? they are likely using many more servers hence why you will see some are buffering and others NOT..we don;t know which server we are connecting to so, if customers were allowed to know if it was a geo location issue we can then change to a server to handle the traffic, better ...connecting to overseas servers is even more conflicting
once a server is trying to handle too much traffic (especially peak times) they cannot recover until less traffic
its a sad reality and will continue UNLESS the providers (private or public) up their bandwidth ...and there is the problem, COST!!!!
cable companies who offer iptv service also will limit their bandwidth with their internet customers so is it any wonder they too will get buffering during peak times? they keep trying to find hardware issues (mostly a myth) and even tell their csr's to try and point customers to their INTERNET hardware as if this was the issue of their, what it all boils down to is the amount of traffic connecting to their server(s)
and what channels get affected are dependent on how many are trying to stream through them..iptv is nice when it works and can stream without the buffers but its life in the internet world , it will NEVER be perfect and yes i get annoyed too but what can you do?
i just come on here to see if im NOT the only one and once i see im NOT?? then i know (as always) it's NOT my hardware..thats all i need to know..but i DO understand the rants, it comes with the territory...
Happy Holidays!!
Another way these companies tend to take care of traffic is by reducing the each streams quality.
For instance at normal times one would get 2mb feed, but at peak times it will be reduced to 512kb or lower.
I may be wrong, but there seems to be no max limit set to the streams. They sometimes touch 3mb + also.
I would think 2MB is plenty for a 1080i stream, and we don't have any 1080i streams.
12-15-2015, 03:32 AM
Freerzing time the service is bad.
Yorman Soto
01-12-2016, 07:26 AM
Nash they are smart they don't used sticks nor cheap Chineses boxes they use the Mac & Windows PC's
01-12-2016, 12:26 PM
I dont know why the server have lot of problem an every one is paying but very bad service in my opinion the guys they are working with the iptv server most be anouncment what is the problem every day i see people they say call provider of blue screen bar does not loading com on we paying in 2015 server have problem in 2016 lot of problem com on
01-12-2016, 02:05 PM
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH IT hasn't flinched since morning and i am keeping my fingers crossed so dont glitch them and make the freezing and stucking start. I wonder though it seem my internet and other things which they keep saying is the cause "on my end "is SUDDENLY working fine too hhaHA
01-12-2016, 05:00 PM
GIVE ME YOUR HAND LET ME SHAKE IT OFF IN AGREEMENT.........How when the service is working ok like it is now i c no change in my internet speed or have done any change to my equipment but when it working crappy like its mostly is, is fault on my end.Is my system so corrupted but theirs(servers) isn't....PLEASE.
I'm not sure why you end up offering a bitchy message even though you are commenting that the service is currently working well.
01-12-2016, 08:28 PM
Did we all just pay or expect "currently working well service" bitch
crazed 9.6
01-12-2016, 08:53 PM
Did we all just pay or expect "currently working well service" bitch
okay, I gave you a chance. Seems you didn't catch onto that.
We don't want or need to listen to you anymore.
Chances are over.
01-12-2016, 09:41 PM
okay, I gave you a chance. Seems you didn't catch onto that.
We don't want or need to listen to you anymore.
Chances are over.
I didn't see that coming.
01-12-2016, 09:43 PM
okay, I gave you a chance. Seems you didn't catch onto that.
We don't want or need to listen to you anymore.
Chances are over.
Good Move, crazed 2.0
01-12-2016, 09:45 PM
Service is getting better no doubt and we should appreciate. I don't really have major issues, lots of channels are working great. Only the Pakistani/Indian Channels are lacking but I am sure they will fix it.
crazed 9.6
01-12-2016, 11:23 PM
I didn't see that coming.
you could follow his posts from yesterday and see where I gave him a chance. He failed to take that chance thou and instead decided to continue with the smarty pants attitude and calling a good member a bitch is unacceptable.
I know you were not saying I did wrong, I just wanted to show it was not all just this cussing another member that got him banned, although that in itself would have been enough.
01-13-2016, 01:45 AM
I stand by crazed 2.0 100%
01-13-2016, 04:52 AM
I stand by crazed 2.0 100%
I like how he claimed to be a sales rep, yet he couldn't write a proper paragraph about the problems he was having. Kinda glad he's gone : ) i would hate to see how he sold his product.
01-13-2016, 01:49 PM
you could follow his posts from yesterday and see where I gave him a chance. He failed to take that chance thou and instead decided to continue with the smarty pants attitude and calling a good member a bitch is unacceptable.
I know you were not saying I did wrong, I just wanted to show it was not all just this cussing another member that got him banned, although that in itself would have been enough.
I did follow his posts.I read here everyday and i knew the person from somewhere else all they did there was complain.He would go there ask questions and run down the service (steady). Then he came here and started the same thing.Yes the service has a few problems at times but for the most part it works good.He seems to be someone that will never be happy and never wants to do anything on his end that might help him.So he got what he deserved.Hopefully when and if he comes back he can take the help or just quit whining and move on.
And of course i seen it coming lol.
Ps.On a good note Hello everyone.
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