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emulator or tv box for starters? and questions.. [Archive] - IPTV Forum ; IPTV Kodi Android Free Channels HD IPTV MAG254


View Full Version : emulator or tv box for starters? and questions..

11-19-2015, 05:49 AM

I'm been reading up a lot of information last few days on IPTV. I have a few questions.

1. For IKS private servers, I understand avov and mag tv box are recommended. Since I never used IPTV before, should I try to run an emulator on my windows desktop before committing to a tv box?

2. Mag 254 has been out for a while, although there is an extra dongle for mag254 you could purchase, I think its awful to have someone buy a tv box without wireless built in. I guess avov is a better option for built in wireless?

3. On the faq, it doesn't recommend any other android box except for avov and mag254. I know there are other android box out there. Is it possible to download IPTV app from google play store and put in the IKS information? Would that be the same thing as running the emulator on windows? I know its all about the mac address.

Probably newbie question, hopefully someone can help, thanks.

big dady
11-19-2015, 06:13 AM
Yes you can use in android box for the service.You can also try it on your PC before getting a box. At least then you will know how to play with it

11-19-2015, 11:49 AM
minor point but the MAG 254 runs on Linux, not Android. I'm very happy to have switched to a MAG 254 instead of using an emulator.

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