11-18-2015, 03:01 AM
I have read people using ANdroids method to stop their Mac Addess being hijacked sending serial#. One of my MAG254 suddenly stop working. When I double check the donation/Mac status I realized there was another Mac Address linked it to my donation. I erase it and re-enter my Mac address and everything came back. Is there any way we can stop your donation/ Mac linked Hijacked with Mag 254??? Thanks
I have read people using ANdroids method to stop their Mac Addess being hijacked sending serial#. One of my MAG254 suddenly stop working. When I double check the donation/Mac status I realized there was another Mac Address linked it to my donation. I erase it and re-enter my Mac address and everything came back. Is there any way we can stop your donation/ Mac linked Hijacked with Mag 254??? Thanks