View Full Version : IPTV Private Server (IPTV66)
Pages :
- 16.1 stalker client set up tutorial still valid?
- disapointed
- stb bloicked
- Stalker Client Authentication Failed. Retrying
- Dara or Crazed 2.0 Please help with my MAG 254 and the ipt66 new install
- Iptv
- m3u issues.
- Some Channels Not Working
- For crazed 2.0 when server will be up for movies
- Problem with .m3u
- Connectivity issue: Authentication Failed IPTV66
- Epg
- I have the URL
- Is epg down
- Mac addresses not working after reset or mac change.
- Not able to connect to IPTV since server upgrade ADMIN help
- IPTV Stalker Plus IPTV66 DOWN "I AM BEGGING FOR HELP"......, "PLEASE"?????
- EPG not changing to selected channel
- Stb is blocked
- refund
- Stumbling, stuttering mess.
- Very Low Sound
- Xtream says my account is expired
- EPG and iptv simple client for iks66 working again ?
- iptv66 panel login pass do not work
- STB Blocked
- Any ETA yet?
- Minor issues
- help to everyone got it working please read this
- Stalker Client error
- Playlist Issue (Channels keep switching)
- Please Give Feed Back On Any m3u issues
- Calibrated IKS66 EPG XML for IPTV SIMPLE CLIENT M3U file
- HD Channels
- video channels have buffering
- Channels Down
- I got the live Tv channels to work, but no EPG.
- Channels crashing
- Kodi 17 -PVR Stalker client 2.8.3 - server error
- Stb is blocked
- Iks66 with MAG25 wireless
- How to get an IPTV66 Playlist
- Authentication Failed Retrying
- Is Epg still down?
- Mag 254 bloked
- Subscription
- Buffering buffering and more buffering
- Is stalker working ??
- Proper URL for EPG and channel logos in IPTV Simple Client on Kodi 17
- Need help with new setup
- Moderator, Need your assistance
- Crazed 2.0 any info on the Video Club movies???
- Forgot my IPTV Email address, need to reset MAC
- HI i need help
- Totally down - nothing works - please please help
- EPG not loading with Simple IPTV PVR
- Server location, 5GHz wi-fi
- Reproduccion Generic emu3
- stb bloicked
- what to do if all of a sudden pvr stalker kodi it stopped working today
- Charged to my bank account for 1 month but Order didn't go through...
- Route not recieved
- stb bloicked
- bein
- need a reset in iptv66 to get my m3u list
- Sub
- Playlist option is awesome!
- To Crazed 2.0 on Video Club movies
- Channels buffering, sticking or in a loop
- mac number
- stb bloicked
- I need a tutorial on how to run IPTV 66 on Kodi 17.1 since Stalker went down.
- Vod
- What am I doing wrong? Only getting 2 channels
- New User Mag254 channel fri
- Crazed 2.0 please help again
- Channels
- problems with epg
- Terrible service
- Page loading error
- stb bloicked
- Iks66
- Iptv66 not working for 2 days
- Wrong login
- Update Smart IPTV
- how to i get EPG with M3u playlest "perfectplay"
- How to reset MAC on MAG 256
- I renewed - Thanks
- Where can I find the updated channel list?
- Xtream codes
- 434 nesn
- Channel for Special Events UFC
- smart tv
- Channel lists that work? New to this
- movies aren't playing.
- Feature request
- A month later, still crashes / freezes
- Ppv tonight
- Wrong Channels
- How many Device ?
- Smart iptv app
- Authentication error
- payment not working
- iks66 payment
- Reseller question
- sever not authenticating my user pass
- Question for all my iks66 guys
- Does Iks66 work
- kodi potoate tv working 4-15-2017
- Have to keep resetting my mac for channels to work when there in kody favs
- macadrres banned
- Is iks66 down?
- VoD not working
- Stalker TV
- Your stb is provider(show the screen)
- Would it make a difference on server choice by region
- Channel list for iptv66
- viewing guide on mag 254 disappears
- Switching Boxes….how to make sure there are no cockups.
- Crazed 2.0 need your help with STB blocked unit
- US Channells Slowly coming back up.
- Down channel
- Moving box
- Fox news
- Update after Maintenance
- Getting the guide to work in Stalker?
- Mac Address issues
- Thank you for 205
- No compensation
- Service
- Adults channels?
- 205 gone again and...
- Extended service
- ARe Mthly custoemrs gonna get the week extended as well
- Fox News
- IPTV Reset not working
- down movie channels
- IPTV Reset
- Iks
- choppy at best
- MAG 254/256 and HDMI CEC
- Can a Mod give some answers
- i didnt receive my order
- not loading
- Service for iptv66
- Constant Freezing ..
- 205
- Network Connection Problem
- Billing Question - Add new route to existing package.
- Saturday fight PPV ?
- Order problem.
- U.K. channels are blacked out, no picture just sound
- Boxnation!!
- channels dropping on kodi 17.1
- Last channel veiwed
- Factory Reset???
- dodger channel 442
- MASN down
- i dont think im that stupid but,,,,,,,,, im lost
- Channel List
- Channel List
- I need help ...please i need to know which one is my route #
- Adult Password
- Iptv66 is it down ?
- Having trouble with new setup
- Buffering alot
- Constant Freezing .
- athentification error
- Mag254 Setup Problems
- IPTV66 Down ?
- IPTV 66 down
- STB or Coach Potato?
- Freezing
- Nvidia Shied 16gb questions
- Stp
- Eurosport 1 '2 are down
- IKS66 on STB EMulator Sound out of sync
- Epg local
- Is it always this way?
- All Indian Channels not working
- STB is blocked
- How does the re-seller program work?
- Channels Down please help
- Roku Super Stalker
- [110] Investigation Discovery HD Down
- some channel play music
- Question about IKS66
- iptv66 is blocking VPN connections
- service disable ?
- Not able to renew
- mag 254 with play list
- Box locked
- Please Put Add The SEC Sport Channel!
- Bring Poker Central Back
- HGTV channel 115 is now Sundance channel 115
- Ufc 212
- Iptv66 down?
- Question for all my iks66 reseller guys..
- I can't reset my reseller password
- Activating existing Mac address to another reseller plan
- Mag 254
- Subscription to IPTV66 on a Mobile Device
- Xtreme codes
- help ?
- Fox Business not working
- IKS66 cannot login or check route
- Down
- MAG Cannot load portal
- Thanks to the server techs for there hard work
- Service issues
- STB Emulator Connection Error
- Zoomed in
- Almost all channels not working
- Nothing working
- Proble with server iptv 66
- Set up
- 90% channels freezing in stb emulator
- iks66 servers
- Delaying live TV
- Iks 66 now have 2 portals ?
- Attention Moderators.
- Just a suggestion: Standard definition(SD) channels only!
- Iptv 66 have another new server or portal ?
- authentication failed. Kodi . Stalker client 10.8
- diagnostics
- Keep losing service, bl screen
- Where's the Beef?....sorry, Where's the Video Club?
- Hello everyone
- Hello
- Tvip v500 arriba con portal la mejor!
- Iptv 66 free Kodi addon zem
- Not able to download m3u playlist
- VLC better than KODI
- Still the same old problems
- Attention Tech Support Team members
- Can a Mod please contact me
- New order
- vod
- No Channels
- can someone please send me to a post for m8s
- lost donation numbers
- Very bad lag
- is 66 iptv working for everyone but me ?
- Channels close between 20 and 40 seconds automatically...!
- Order donation
- new route old box
- Iks66
- Cannot get in
- Order not received
- ABC NY and Miam not coming in.....
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